JessyG's food diary - positive and determined to shift the bulge

Loving that change in body fat!! And WOOP to the 1lb! You'll have another off in no time!
Did you have your glass of cava too or is that for tonight?! Good work on the sw spag bol for your mum...diets don't have to be boring or tastless hey!
Looking forward to hearing more about the gym thing! It sounds really interesting and a great challenge/motivator!
What exciting plans do you have with your mum this weekend?! Xx
Loving that change in body fat!! And WOOP to the 1lb! You'll have another off in no time!
Did you have your glass of cava too or is that for tonight?! Good work on the sw spag bol for your mum...diets don't have to be boring or tastless hey!
Looking forward to hearing more about the gym thing! It sounds really interesting and a great challenge/motivator!
What exciting plans do you have with your mum this weekend?! Xx

Yes I had my glass of cava :) it was sooo good. I also have to add some syns to yesterday as I had 2 small bowls of cereal last night - was starving. So i'm going to syn that at 10. Not ideal but i HAD to eat.

The gym thing does sound interesting doesn't it :) I hope it's good! Looks like there is only going to be a few of us, but I guess that means more chance to get the biggest loss each week!

We are going to see Oliver at the theatre tomorrow night - it was part of my christmas present to her :) really excited. So we are going to get a M&S dine in for 2 and have that before we go, and drink the wine after! I've got just enough syns I think so looking forward to that.

Thanks ladies. Tbh I was a little disappointed but I have only been doing it 4 days so hopefully I can see at least another lb off on Monday

An extract from today's food plan:
Friday 10/1/14
Breakfast: HEB Cereal with some HEA allowance and a banana (SF) white tea
Lunch: leftover Spag Bol (2 syns)
Dinner: Rump steak with mash kale peas asparagus and a 4 syn sauce , 1 syn oil 1 syn butter
Snacks: Mullerlight (F) Grapes (SF) Jelly (1/2 syn) Glass of cava (5 syns) melon

Oops I caved in to chocolate :/ 3.5 syn chocolate; wine Buck's Fizz 3.5 syns and a Special K biscuit bar 5 syns

Syns: 25.5 - not quite to plan but trying to think positively that this time last week I'd have had loads more syns than that

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After my hunger resulted in 10 annoying syns of cereal last night I have been to the local shop and bought a melon fruit pot for dessert tonight should I get hungry again :) xxxx
Last night resulted in an additional glass of Buck's Fizz, a chocolate and Special K biscuits, pushing overall syns to 25.5

Bit annoying as feel like I could have had something decadent for that but it's still loads less than my usual Friday nights

Today has started well though: HEB cereal HEA milk and cuppa and a banana - not exactly a Saturday breakfast but it will do ;) Eating quite early with going to the theatre so might not need lunch but if I do I'll have a subway salad.

Going to try and stay in my syns but it is going to be harder than I thought due to nice food and booze tonight but will really try and make good choices

Happy weekend everyone :D xxxx
Thanks Hun. Seeing Oliver, the musical. Really excited :) xxxx
Had a subway salad for lunch :) 3 syns for dressing, and 1 syn for a bite of James' cookie - could have scoffed the whole thing haha.

I think I'm going to go over my syns though :( we chose belly pork for dinner and 1/2 of that has 800 cals in :/ so that's 40 syns :( the chips are 6 syns and wine is 12 so total syns: 61

That works out as 27.5 syns over so not going to manage my first week 100% on plan. I know I could not eat and drink with my mum but I think overall that's more important so will just have to achieve my first 100% next week. I'm not going to go overboard though!

xxxx it's hard being this honest to myself! Lol
Had a subway salad for lunch :) 3 syns for dressing, and 1 syn for a bite of James' cookie - could have scoffed the whole thing haha. I think I'm going to go over my syns though :( we chose belly pork for dinner and 1/2 of that has 800 cals in :/ so that's 40 syns :( the chips are 6 syns and wine is 12 so total syns: 61 That works out as 27.5 syns over so not going to manage my first week 100% on plan. I know I could not eat and drink with my mum but I think overall that's more important so will just have to achieve my first 100% next week. I'm not going to go overboard though! xxxx it's hard being this honest to myself! Lol

I think being honest with yourself is half the battle. It would have been easy to not add up the syns and just think 'I've gone over, so I might as well go crazy' - but you've done really well working it all out. With a couple of low syn days, I'm sure you can balance it all out xxx
totally agree with sarah. Being honest is hard..but the only person you're kidding if you're not honest is yourself! defo agree that spending lovely time with your mum is more day is not going to derail you! 27.5 syns is the same as 550 cals - not horrific! :)
Have a wonderful time at Oliver! Xxxx
Thanks ladies :)

Probably Tash but as I'm not an official SW member I have no way of checking. Same with the Chios cos it's just potato but there must be some oil

Update on yesterday :)

Breakfast: HEB cereal, HEA milk, banana
Lunch: subway salad with 3 syns dressing, 1 syn cookie
Dinner: Belly pork (ended up just having 1/3 so 530 cals - max of 26.5 and chips, actually gonna say 3 for any oil cos was just potatoes really. Had with peas. BUT I did have 12 syns wine, and a tub of choccy ice cream at the theatre stunning at 10 to be very safe.

So syns for yesterday: 55.5

Update on today: had 8 syns :/ Special K bar and some popcorn. I was starving. BUT got a nice on plan meal planned: Chicken stuffed with lightest phili (HEA) and chili, served with kale asparagus and a jacket potato :)

Also done a full food shop and fridge is brimming with goodness :) let's try for a 100% week

Nervous a about weigh in this morning. Hope I can keep the 1lb showing off on Friday off

Oliver was amazing soooo good :)

Hope everyone has had a great weekend xxxx
Glad you've had a lovely weekend, chick. I love having a fridge full of sw goodies! I'm with you for a 100% week xx

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