Gold Member
Tonight sounds like a pretty good start to the weekend!!! Have fun lady. Xxx
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I've looked online and it is definitely worth popping along to! Thanksxx
Half a bottle of wine followed by a tonic water to sober up and a KFC to soak it upfab night. So sleepy though and healthy day ahead tomorrow! Night lovelies xxxx.
Morning lovely ladies
Just had a nice 10 hour kip - just what I needed
Day off today! Bed is coming this afternoon - it better come right! - so just going to make space for delivery men to get it upstairs. Not sure what time they're coming yet so going to start cleaning bluebell - gonna give her a good vacuum and wipe down initially. Then hopefully after they deliver the bed we are going to the gym and then to aldi to look at fitness stuff and halfords to look at car bitsMight also take bluebell to a car wash! Not super exciting but actually looking forward to it. Hopefully get to take bluebell for a spin if the bed comes early enough!
Tomorrow day will involve a similar day I think but house needs spring cleaning as friends coming to stay tomorrow night! Then Sunday - probably see James' family
Eats for today: I've no idea! But I want them to be good as got some damage control to do! xxxx
Wooohoooooo for the STS!! I don't think it's as bad as you thought it was... it just goes to show how healthy habits really do become embeddedI love this for a high protein, low fat and REALLY tasty dinner... Mexican chicken stew | BBC Good Food Easily amended for SW/clean-eating... tastes incredzzz done in the slow cooker too with chicken thighs rather than breasts
I normally add lots of veg too... and could serve with quinoa to up the protein?! I think I'm actually going to make this now in the slow cooker this week! Nommmm... :drool: xxx
Ooh well done on a sts after some naughtiness! Ultimate brownie tower sounds like food heaven! Xx