Gold Member
Hope you had a smashing weekend beautiful! How fabulous to have your sister in law doing the cake! Winner. Xx
Hope you had a smashing weekend beautiful! How fabulous to have your sister in law doing the cake! Winner. Xx
Your cake sounds amazing!!! I love the idea of it both recognising your engagement and your wedding colours <3 awww! Sorry to hear about the gain but glad that you weren't disappointed! Lunch sounds amazing... mmmm pasta! I'm planning some for dinner on Wednesday I think... either a carbonara or meatballs in a red pepper sauce, nommm! Your weekend food sounded delissssh! Not too unhealthy eitherxx
Seriously, can I marry into James' family?! I love Dianne's dinners! I bet you'll be looking forward to it ALL DAY!
Food looks great, pasta bake sounds divine. Love chorizo, really miss it! xx
Haha you and James are so naughty! I'm sure you felt the burn though!
Can't wait to hear what Diane makes for us
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Haha there are no bachelors left!
Yep really excited. Got a feeling we are having a steak salad but will see!!
Just syn it? I hardly use any but can still taste itxxxx
I buy the rings too and I have never ever synned chorizo since starting sw!
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Hahaha, no!? I might use half for 4 portions and not syn it for the portion I eat at any given time! Would you??
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Jessy this sounds utterly yum!! XxI had pork! Barbeque pork with roast sweet potato and asparagus! Nom!