RTM Day 41 (Week 6)
41 Days now of food, so kind of like Lent but opposite! Today was a good day for me. Woke up at 8am had to set the alarm because I was going for my pop in this morning at 9am. It was so lovely and dark in my room this morning that I got a huge shock when the alarm did go off! Managed a swig of coffee, got dressed and headed out. Had a new locum today but she was lovely. According to her I have lost 2lbs since I last weighed in, but I was 8st 10lb then and now 8st 9lb so I think it is only realistically 1lb. Also have not really dropped on the home scale much. She said my LLC had asked her to speak to me about keeping a food diary as he is concerned at my continued losses. I told her about this blog and what I log on FF so will give him a link to this so he can read what I get up to food wise. I am honestly not trying to loose more weight. I can now see the rib bones on my chest (upper half above my boobs) which means I really am thin enough. Swapped a food food packs around as I find mostly I am having shakes and bars. She was a lovely locum and we had a really good chat which made me feel a whole lot better. Headed up to the high street and foudn a cute little reindeer Xmas cookie cutter. Popped into the charity shop but it was obviously the wrong day for clothes

Had a very treaty skinny cappucino at the Neros and headed down to the doctor. Had an appointment at 10am because I have some weird trapped nerve thing going on in one of my legs and it continuously feels like the onset of pins and needles so needed to check that out. Went off to the hole in my walled called Sainsburys. Busy as hell in there even though it was quite early on in the day. Spent ages again trawling through the aisles looking at the calorie content of everything and thinking "ooh too high" I dearly wanted a packet of the little dried fruit and seed mix but over 100 cal for 1/4 of the packet and it was a tiny packet!!! Much more value from lettuce <G> Also had a look at the little packs they do for kiddies lunch boxes - all supposedly healthy, and I suppose in some ways yes because it is good food, but god no wonder kids are hyper nearly 400 cal for a little packet of dried cranberries dipped in yoghurt!!!! Also had a look at innocent smoothies which I used to love the banana and strawberry being a personal favourite. 57cal per 100 ml and a bottle is 250ml so put that aside as well. Although I might head off and get one tomorrow as a treat. It just seems a lot of calories for a drink when you could utilise those calories on a meal instead. What shocks me is how I previously picked those as a healthy option and just necked them. Calories were not something I have ever looked at much before now. Weirdly still not had any wine or alcohol but best have a small attempt soon as it seems I might actually have a date sometime soon and he wants to take me out for a drink - falling flat on my face after a glass would just be too odd for a first date!! I also have no real craving for alcohol, it is more a mental thing because I used to drink it at certain times. I have had a few glasses of Diet coke and diet ginger ale which I really enjoy. But have realised that this is also something I no longer just drink all day. My body likes the water and even though I am not drinking as much of it as during abstinence, my body cries out for it so it is still a pretty big part of my liquid intake. But I have digressed. Found 1 pair of size 8 jeans in the right colour and style for a tenner so popped those in the basket as my size 10's are falling off now. Also found the cutest most adorable little set of bra and knickers in pale lilac. Since every bit of underwear I now have is functional rather than pretty, those went into the basket too!! You just feel so much more girly with pretty underwear on.
Got home after midday and had a lovely late breakfast of vanilla yoghurt with 2 small bananas a sprinkle of raisins and crazens with a few almonds. Swirled it with a teaspoon of strawberry puree so it looked really pretty. Not sure why I had more than usual, but I was hungry and I felt like it and it was great, ate it nice and slowly. Had a very lovely afternoon nap, something I love but hardly ever do, so took pumpkin belly and lay in bed with the electric blanket on reading magazines then rolled over for a snooze!! Wonderful, wonderful stuff. Just what I needed. Was hungry when I woke up at around 5 and really craved protein so had a small salad with some cucumber, tomato, peppers, celery, red onion and mixed leaf, sliced a bit of grilled chicken onto that and had a small bowl of my very yummy sweet potato and butternut soup. Felt really full after that but in a satisfied kind of way and not an "oh my god ive eaten too much" kind of way. Perhaps because I could eat when I was hungry and at my own pace so was really listening to my body, instead of trying to fit everything in, in the little time I have in my usual working day? I had pre prepared bits for dinner when I got home today, so that was all done, had also made the most amazing fruit compote - peaches, plums, apple, nectarine, strawberry and redcurrant. I find these so satisfying warm for breakfast or pud with a bit of yoghurt. So I have a huge batch for the week. Then as I still had the house to myself I had a girly treat evening. Waxed my legs, had a long pamper bath, washed and blowdried my hair. God I feel really spoiled today!! But this weekend was always going to be about Me time which I think I need right now just to get my head back in the right place.
Dinner was a fantastic stirfry with bok choy, thai asparagus and peanut shoots, added some peppers, celery, mushrooms and white cabbage, had this with tuna steak and some prawns marinated in soy and sweet chili. It looked so pretty on its big square plates garnished with little chive flowers and drizzled with the marinade. Ate it with the chopsticks, which made a nice change and you certainly do eat slower!!
Still havent got space for anything else. But have a blueberry muller light which I am dying to try and will try to fit in a bar or a shake as I have had no packs today.
Once I had logged all my food, I realised this is a fairly high cal day for me. I really want to at least be the same weight when I have my official WI on Tuesday. Strangely I don't feel the guilt I have been feeling, again probably because I ate what I wanted when I wanted it and as much as I thought my body needed.
Have a great day planned with my sister tomorrow, hopefully we can get out for a swim, but have loads to do, including coffee with a friend in Dulwich Picture Gallery, and the making of the Xmas cakes. I would also like to have a few hours of nothing in my day.
The big treat planned for tomorrow is a proper cooked breakfast. I have organic eggs, lean bacon, tomato, and am going to really step out and break the mould by having a few baked beans a day before I should. I have so been looking forward to this, and as it is one of the very few days we have off together I thought we should have it when we can lay the table, sit down and really enjoy it.
Wow, could I be breaking my nice adapted child status and being slightly rebellious, or is this a bit adult?
Things to ponder on for sure.