RTM Day 74 (Week 11)
Another day, another dollar, I am totally shattered. Too much to do and not enough hands to do it. I really did not stop cooking apart from a few quick fag breaks, mostly I was on the phone on work related calls whilst smoking too!! Anyway 3 tastings tomorrow and had to do all the prep for it today. It doesnt sound like a lot, but, if you break it down, nearly 30 different dishes, each of which are complex - for example: The open Buffallo Mozarella "lasange" needs peppers cutting, roasting and peeling then marinding, courgettes sliced on the mandolin, marinated then chargrilled, aubregine sliced, salted, chargrilled, basil deep fried, pasta blanched and chilled, vine cherry tomatoes roasted, basil sauce vierge made etc etc.. that is just one dish, so you can kind of see why it takes time. Realistically it is much easier to prep a job up for 200 odd than fiddle about with tastings, but without them, we don't pull in the buisiness, and it is so competitive out there at the moment. Still no computer at work so the daily struggle goes on.
Food wise - lots of coffee all day today, but only 2 with milk, the morning 11am cup and the afternoon 4pm cup. I still love the black coffee, but the milky ones are comforting and help get you thorough the day. Breakfast was porridge with stewed plum, raisin and some strawberry yoghurt. Lunch totally failed to happen - when you are working with all the food you are just not hungry, I did taste a bit of roasted sweet potato and about a teaspoon of tabbouleh. At about 4pm thought I really should eat something so had a banana with a sugar free jelly and the coffee.
Whilst I was working today, I batch made loads of things to pop in the freezer there so I have an easily acessible meal. Not always possible to eat when I am so busy though. Finally finished cleaning down at 6:30 then headed off home, luckily traffic was ok, had 2/3 of my peanut bar on the drive, and am saving the rest to sprinkle on my compote later.
Dinner was a quickie put together of some cooked chicken sliced and popped into the tagine sauce I defrosted, with a bit of cous cous, and a baby BGT naan, some spinach and roasted sweet potato. I could only eat about half of it, really enjoyed it, but probably the peanut bar in the car filled me up. Feeling very full from all the carbs and as nice as they are, I realise I don't need to eat them every single day. I am having a slight craving for a chicken sarmie for some reason, but can't decide between that and toast for the final bread day.. Mind you 2 to go, although I still have the pita to try. I was planning the pita with lamb, tzatziki and loads of salad, so that might be an option for tomorrow night.. then I am still left with the toast/sarmie dilemma, but I guess as I realised during abstinence, it is still all there for later on when I am ready to sample it - it really isn't becoming extinct!.
Pud is going to be more stewed plum - quite addicted to that, with a vanilla yoghurt and a black currant jelly. Will be a long one agian tomorrow with all the tastings- quite exhausting as you are permanently "on show" so to speak. Then one more day until a day off and our visit to Chai.
More tomorrow

Have a fantastic Friday everyone.