RTM Day 78 (Week 12)
Shudder, gasp!! I am in my final week of RTM!!! Where has all the time gone?? This journey has flown past and even though I know realistically, that I started in May and we are now going into December, I never dreamed that my entire life would be altered this much. I am so pleased to have kept a blog from Day 1 abstinence onwards. A memory to look back on, a tool to use to keep me on track, a graph of my personal changes. I am still feeling pretty ok and relaxed, however this time next week will probably be an entirely different story
So food wise today, a pretty controlled day, Breakfast at about 10:30 with the usual porridge, some stewed plum, 5g raisins, and a dollop of vanilla yoghurt. Slowly, slowly I am converting some of those boys to porridge in the morning. I think I will try an egg again at some point when I have time in the morning and am not so busy. Work is somewhat hectic at the moment. Also the porridge is really filling and sustains me for hours thus making me less inclined to want to snack. I was stuck in the office all day with paperwork, well at least it was warmer than the kitchen, I sat there in my coat and many layers of clothing with my feet tucked up under the heater. I was sooooo busy, that I forgot about lunch until nearly 3pm and decided as it was so cold, soup was the order of the day. Heated some celeriac, apple and fennel which was just gorgeous. At about 5pm I had a cup of tea with milk and a very crispy lovely apple. Headed home and thank goodness I did have a snack because the traffic was dire. Lucky old me though, Bliss had the bath run for me so I could warm up and a lovely cup of tea waiting as I walked in the door.
She had also lovely dinner prepared, lemon and dill salmon, savoy cabbage, some baby corn, fine beans, garlic grilled tomato, sweet potato chips and a very yummy leek stuffed mushroom. Absolutely amazing, and low cal. It still astounds me that I can have a lovely large plate of food that is not high in calories. Pud was some vanilla berries (just slightly warmed through) Vanilla Muller Light, sprinkled with pecan and raisin and a raspberry jelly. I am now about to indulge in ............ Very dark chocolate!! I purchased a bar of Lindt 70% excellence with orange and one with Coffee, so will try a square with a cup of coffee shortly. I am a bit wary of the milkier varieties of chocolate still. But I have all my life to discover them again and see if they agree with me.
Now a querie for all of you lovely people who read my blog. This is sitting in the RTM Section, however I wil continue to blog once RTM is over. Should I just continue writing here, or should I start a new blog in the maintenance section??? The blogging is such an essential tool for me and a very useful way of making sure I keep myself honest by telling you all what I have been up to food wise. It also provides great things to look back on to see personal growth.
As always.. your answers on a postcard to the usual address please <G>
Tomorrow is my last WI before the end, and so far so good, I will be ending RTM on a lower weight than I started it at, which was a personal goal of mine, so unless I balloon over the next 7 days I will have managed to achieve this.
Also I would love to hear what you are all planning to eat over the festive period, if you fancy sharing, perhaps we could start a new thread about it. Do any of you have specific triggers you will be avoiding, or will you be eating sensibly? Will you cut back a bit first so you can really indulge?? etc etc
Looking forward to hearing what you will be up to