Good for you Jim - one of the other kids programs has been in trouble recently cos the cartoon character went home with "a stranger" unchallenged and it was ok. The defense for this was that the narrator was with them all the time - a little subtle for a little one I reckon. Even if it is only a cartoon character the message gets across and you need to make sure its the right one - not every little viewer has Grandad Jim to explain things properly and the influence of the goggle box on little viewers can be underestimated.
That sounds brilliant Susie - I think its great when soaps tackle issues. Don't know what you do for a job but when I was working in the PRU the issues on the soaps were important conversation starters for issue based work x
Morning all, been keeping my thread warm I see We ended up going to Bath for the day yesterday, purely on a whim, seeing as Mummy was going to pick Olivia up from school it gave us a free day once we'd dropped her off. I've been through Bath before but never stopped. I think the city is beautiful, especially all the lovely Georgian buildings. It was a nice day, we were saying we might like to take a long weekend down there someday.
Bath is amazing.....we always stay at the mega cheap Redcar Hotel on Henrietta Street which is a stones throw from the bridge at the start of town.....brilliant buffet breakfast and parking round the back so perfect combination!
I love all the boutique shops and the antique yards :0) x
Yeah Bath is lovely Jim - Try the Thermae Spa, especially the rooftop pool - facilities a bit disjointed but otherwise an experience you should give yourselves. If you take a short journey by train to get there you get double time on production of your train ticket - brilliant x
Morning all, well yesterday turned out nice in the afternoon, but what winds, it was blowing a gale, poor little Olivia was hanging onto my hands when I collected her from school, I think she thought she was going to be blown away. LOL