Morning! well it was a nice day yesterday in the end, but it's a bit grey and damp out there at the moment. I bought some spam over the weekend, I'm going to fry that up with some eggs for lunch, haven't had spam in a long long time.
Morning all, Susie if you've never eaten spam then you haven't lived. LOL, we all enjoyed it, even Olivia though I'm pretty sure Mummy would be annoyed if she knew we'd fed her it.
Morning all, lovely sunny day out there, but, we have snow forecast for this evening and much of tomorrow. I've had enough of it frankly. LOL yes Gen, the kids are real health/organic food freaks for her even if they eat crap themselves. They need another kid, maybe they'll stop being so obsessive over her.
Morning all, I'm so fed up with all this snow, the pavements are treacherous, I wish this was like Germany where residents have to keep the pavements cleared by law. We've done our bit, but no one else has bothered.