Thanx for your support as always guys x
Well I am pleased to report 2 lbs off this week, so right back into it now

I have got my good head on for the weekend aswell, nothing major planned except my folks coming for dinner on sunday
I didn,t get a chance to come on yesterday, but I was sooo piffed off

Well I have asked at the school twice now about lunch cover & the woman just kept saying she was still looking at her rotas & would get back to me. I know for a fact that one of the ladies left this week so up I go yesterday & ask again, she says oh theres nothing available at the mo but I will let you know if anything comes up

Then today I find out through the mums grapevine that the job was apparently promised to another lady. I am raging why can,t people just be honest, its always the way though its who you know in a village like this, not what you know.
So yesterday I could have ate the entire contents of the cupboard I was soo wound up but I didn,t
Oh & sorry to go on but I went on the jobcentre website, & seen a job I thought I would apply for, It said you needed to fill out a jobcentre app form.
It gave a link to download one, but it wouldn,t work of course so I thought I,ll ring them to send me one out,
me- hello I,ve seen a vacancy online & need an app form
girl- you can download it online
me- no, its not working so could you post me one please
so she takes my NI number & address
girl- thats not the address we have for you
me- oh thats strange you must have my old address before we moved to Germany
girl-yes I,m afraid I can,t change the address on this system
me- what

so you can,t send me an app form
girl- no
me- well isn,t that just abit ridiculous no wonder so many people are on benefits when you can,t even get an app form to apply for a bloomin job & just to add I am not on benefits & want to work
girl- (rather snootily) well you can always go into your local branch & get one
me- I don,t drive & my local branch is a half hour bus ride away which costs £5.70 just to get an app form well thanks alot for your help( click)
It absolutely beggars belief!
After all that my friend said she would get me one as she has to go there herself
So I have calmed down today & am looking forward to the weekend hope all my minimates are ok x