JO,S DIARY no more lurking for me

Num num numn christmad pud :D

Hope you're having a lovely day today Jo

Morning Mininmates,

well Hubster came home monday night with a stinking head cold & proceeded to snore very loudly all night so guess who didn,t get any shut eye, so last night I made him take some night nurse & I took a swig aswell just for good measure;)

Still being good, went for a walk down the village yesterday & have just completed 1/2 hr of cardio box, enjoying being abit more active.

It is freezing here today, hat & gloves were on for walk to school this morning:D

I was tempted to go on scales this morning which is so not like me as I only ever weigh in on a friday, so I resisted:eek:

Watched Kirstie Alley,s new reality show about her trying to loose weight again, it was soooo funny, well worth a look, its on the BIO channel on Tuesdays at 8pm.
It just shows you even when celebrity,s have all the personal trainers & chefs, you still need the willpower aswell:confused:

I hate wednesdays they are soooo boring, got teacher parent interview after school to see how G is settling in with new class

Hope everyone is having a more interesting day x
Oh Jo... I hate this saying, but it really was brass monkeys today eh. I laughed what you posted in my diary about Georgia not wearing her gloves, Aisha was the same too, we were at Walthamstow market by 9am and she was screaming for gloves, so had to buy them, then she screamed for a pair of ear muffs too! :rolleyes: Have to admit, it was so cold, I could have bought a pair of muffs myself!

Anyway, thread hijack, sorry :p

Well done on the cardio, you are making me feel very guilty and lazy. Sorry for your lack of sleep due to Hubbs "man flu" and lastly - I bet you have heard nothing but fabby things about your wee gorgeous girl!

Have a great evening Ms Slim. xxx

Aww thanx Nikki,

yeah all good with the teacher, she said Georgia was & I quote
" A lovely, lovely girl, really thoughtful & caring" I had to check we were talking about the same Georgia here:p
She said they were having an ICT lesson & there was 10mins left so she said they could play games if they wanted & Georgia went straight onto Word & wrote a poem about Milo:rolleyes:
Afternoon Minimates,

Good day all round today, went for my usual walk into village after dropping G at school, freezing but lovely & sunny!

Have stuck to my points fine this week, so heres hoping it will be reflected on the mighty scales;)

So it is half term already,so no rushing in the morning, :cool:

Off to start dinner, have a lovely evening everyone x
aww a poem about Milo.. how cute!

make the most of it Jo, she wont be writing poems instead of games when she hits secondary school LOL xxx
Morning minimates,

I am pleased to say the scales have gone in the right direction this week & I have lost 3lbs:D

I am feeling good as I know its because I,ve been moving my mama cass this week, so will be continuing on that vein this next week;)

Nothing much on today, Georgia is going to her wee mates house for lunch & I,ll be catching up on some ironing, oh the joys:rolleyes:

Off for a nosey x
Thanx for your support guys x

Well I have had the dreaded lurgy all weekend, still feelin pretty awful. My nose is red raw from blowing it so much:sigh:

So an uneventful weekend, eating not great, but not bad either :eek:

Half term this week so might not get on much, will try & update when I feel abit better x
Morning Minimates,

well I,m feeling alot better, thank god, I hate being ill;)

I weighed in & have STS which is ok as I haven,t followed it to the letter this week!

Going shopping tomorrow into Cambridge & Georgia has a halloween party on sunday & then trick or treating after:D

Have ordered pumpkin with my shopping online, I bet it will be a piddly little thing:p

Hope everyone has a good weekend & remember the clocks go back, so Georgia will be awake at 5.30 am, happy days:rolleyes:
Glad to hear that you are feeling better Jo
second what Nikki said
We need a pic of little G all dressed up bless her
Well have a fabby weekend Jo
Glad to hear that you are feeling better Jo
second what Nikki said
We need a pic of little G all dressed up bless her
Well have a fabby weekend Jo

Georgia looked fab, she had a dracula,s bride outfit, by the time I,d finished her makeup she looked like a wee victorian ghost:p

So goes to get the camera, mine was out of charge & Hubster couldn,t find his ( of course all my fault) so Billy took picture on his phone so will have to get him to try & get it on here;)
Afternoon folks,

I know I have been neglecting my diary of late, but we had a busy weekend :cool:

Georgia had a fab time at halloween party, came back at 5, had some soup & then Billy took her out trick or treating & I stayed in to give out sweets. Well I was up & down like a housewifes nightie:p

My oven has been on the blink since last wednesday & I am fuming:sigh:
Because we are in an army house all the repairs are carried out through one company & they are ridiculous! They said no one could get out til friday, so stayed in all day & surprise surprise no one turned up, so great no oven all weekend.
So gets on the phone first thing this morning & woman I dealt with was really apologetic but no one can come out til wednesday,
We have a tenant in our own house, through an agent, & someone would have been called within 24hrs!
The lady on the phone said I would receive a shopping voucher for £20 as way of compensation:confused:

So the upshot of all this is I have consumed far too much alcohol over the weekend, but have lived on salad & soup:p

Back to exercise this week, did dvd this morning, making my own routine between 3 dvd,s haha I never make anything easy for myself;)

Need to go & get Georgia soon will try & get back on later to catch up with everyone x
I ain't surprised to hear your fuming Jo
That's outragious customer service to leave you without an oven for the whole weekend
As you know the queen of gadgets here would have been okay as I have a trusted Halogen oven really can't stress how usefull they are to own
Well I hope they turn up to fix it this time Jo
Have a lovely week x
Hope the oven gets sorted out, I must admit I would have used that for a good excuse get the old takeaways all weekend. Not that I need an excuse of late.

Hope this week is a good one