JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

I would say that if you can afford it, go for it. It's something you need to do for you and if it works it will make you a very happy bunny.

I'm the same Laura but that's what credit cards are for, lol. I haven't been able to find any bad reviews either which has to be a good sign coz normally people only post reviews if something was bad. Definitely think I'm going to go for it after seeing todays measurements.
Let us know how it goes - eek, how exciting!!

sounds really good hun, just make sure you think it all through properly :D what was the surgery called again? and what was the link, im trying to explain it to my OH :)
thats fab about the inches this morning...i'm so going to treat myself to that when im at target... x
Hey hunnuy hope your well!

It sounds to me like you have already made your mind up bout it! I would go for it! Its a good sign there are hardly any bad reviews on tinternet!

Hope u had a fabby day

Well Ive come to the conclusion I am incredibly indecisive. After a lot of soul searching Ive realised that I need to get this weight off asap and thats just not going to happen on a conventional diet. I have really enjoyed the break and eating real food again and to be honest I probably needed it. Its also been great to know that I can eat without a huge weight gain so if I can get as much weight off by the beginning of May as I can then Ill refeed in time for my holiday on the 18 May.

However Ive also decided that Im not necessarily going to do TS. Im going to take each day as it comes and if I feel the need for a WS day or a day of 4 packs instead of 3 then Im going to do it rather than end up cheating. I know I can do this - I did TS for months before losing the plot with it and hopefully the break has put me in the right place to start afresh.

Wish me luck ladies, Im going to need it!
Lol sounds like me! Good luck with getting back on it! R u starting tomoz?

good luck joanne, we are here for support no matter which path you decide to take... x
Good luck - one day at a time sounds good to me!!

That's what cybill does Joanne and she's had absolutely cracking success with mixing up ws and ts xx good luck
goodluck with it, I think it sounds a good idea, if your starting again today, I hope it goes ok xxx
I hope so Julie! I'm just having my shake and it had to be choc I pulled out the box. I'd forgotten how vile the choc was.
the same thoughts are going through my head hun i think il give it a few more weeks though and see if i dont start losing i might do just 4 weeks. anyway good luck.
I'm thinking I should have waited until I'd lost more weight before I even started vlcd'ing coz now I'm finding nothing else works - not without giving it weeks which I really don't have so I'm really not left with much choice other than vlcd.

Anyway today I have had 3 packs already but I don't care. I've been out all day and needed something to heat me up when I got in. So ill have a soup around 6 and that will be one day over. Doesn't it sound so easy, lol.
Hey Joanne. Found you! What a great diary, I know what you mean about getting the weight off easily, vcld's are tough but the losses are so addictive. Had my first exante shake, chocolate too! Tasted weird first, not as sweet as cd, so added sweeteners and soooo creamy!
Anyway do WS or add an extra pack if you need to, I'm going to do that, better than bingeing!