Jonsgirl's Atkins daily blah blah

Sorry, maybe that one will work -I did the first one on my phone and its a bit dodgy.

Jacob is still buzzing about his party and keeps saying how awesome it was, so all the effort we put in was totally worth it - we have one very happy little boy!

Anyway all is slowly getting back to normal here. Jacob has about 30 new toys to play with ( most of which are all over my lounge floor at the moment) which is a bit frustrating because I have a week off work and want to take him out and do stuff but he wants to stay at home and play instead :-(

foodwise all has been good since I ate the piece of cake on Sunday so we will see what Saturdays weigh in brings - funnily enough i still feel like i'm in ketosis (although i know i cant be) my mouth still tastes like crap, I have no appetite and I don't feel bloaty so I'm hoping its not done too much damage.

todays food has been:

b: black coffee.
l: frankfurter sausage.
d: chicken and bacon baked in mayo and Parmesan.

hope everyone is well xx
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Wow you MADE that??? I'd be proud if I bought one as good as that! Incredible!!

No wonder Jacob wanted you to make one!!
Do you really think so???

thanks guys.

hubby always says my cakes are good but I always think he's biased xx
Dont mind you butting in at all Phoenix, you're very welcome.

And thanks xx
Wow what a wonderful cake, that's brilliant. Love the cake pops too, we're they very diddly to make? It all looks amazing. And well done on your losses, you are doing so well x
Wow what a wonderful cake, that's brilliant. Love the cake pops too, we're they very diddly to make? It all looks amazing. And well done on your losses, you are doing so well x

Thanks sandra, No they weren't that hard to make once I got the cake mixture right. The first time I made them a bit too dry and they were crumbly so I had to add more icing but after that it was fairly straightforward. I'd definitely make them again as they went down very well - made 42 and only 4 were left xx
Hi all, hope you are well,

thanks for all the lovely comments about my cakes - I've never really thought they were that good so it's given me a massive confidence boost but I do get a lot of pleasure out of doing them. I've decided I really must make and decorate more cakes because I really enjoy playing round with icing and seeing what i can create so perhaps I shouldn't just wait until jacob's birthday for an excuse to make one. The only problem is I'll have to get hubby to eat them all because I can't ( cake making is really not the best hobby for a low carber but hey ho ) I've just bought a silicone sheet for tempering chocolate so I'm thinking i'm going to try my hand at doing some intricate chocolate work for my next cake.

Nothing much going on here at the moment, except my boiler is fixed thank god - had the plumber here for well over an hour today so was expecting a nasty shock but he presented me with a bill for £40 which was a very pleasant surprise.

not really eating much at the moment as got no appetite again - feel quite slim and tight around my middle this week but sure I am imagining it as I had cake on Sunday which must surely have knocked me out of ketosis. I guess we'll just have to see what the scales say tomorrow ( weighing in a day early as its hubby's birthday weekend and were at a party too so there could be some naughty things being consumed ( and maybe a little alcohol too) will try to be good but not had a drink in so long I might just give into temptation (life gets in the way of good intentions sometimes)

got so much going on these next few weeks I think I may struggle a bit foodwise and that worries me - I seem to have developed a morbid fear of gaining weight this time, I've worked so hard and seen such good results I don't want to blow it and end up back where I started - I've resolved to be as good as I can, not eat anything unless I really really want it and be absolutely 100% on the days we aren't going anywhere. Hopefully this will carry me through.

Hope you are all well ladies xx
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Well I've had a busy day today - it's hubby's birthday so we've been out shopping, bowling and out for tea - had a bit of a carb fest today to be honest ( although could have been a lot worse - i had a small piece of garlic bread, thin crust pizza and a piece of birthday cake) as ended up at frankie and benny's (hubby's choice) and not much choice there for a low carber. As. I said this month was always going to be difficult with our wedding anniversary and five close family birthdays including jacob's and hubby's so i'm just going to be 100% when i can be and as good as i can the rest of the time without making myself miserable. i'm absolutely terrified of gaining weight and ending up back at 14 stone but i have to be practical and realistic about a way of eating that fits in with life including celebrations etc I'm mainlining the water at the moment and straight back on the wagon tomoro.

I weighed in this morning and I'm another pound and a half down this week (though probably not after eating that pizza but i was and that's what matters) which is a surprise as I'm TOTM and I also had some cake on Sunday but hey I'm not gonna complain. That takes me down to 12 stone and half a pound which is a 26 pound loss in ten weeks - I'm well chuffed with that and hoping to be in the 11's very soon.

Think hubby had a nice surprise as I'd booked us a weekend at the spa in two weeks time and he didn't have a clue. He's been through a lot these past few months with finding out we are infertile and all the invasive medical tests for our IVF so it will be nice to get away and be pampered. His face was a picture when he found out so it was well worth all the secrecy and sneaking around I've been doing for the past few weeks - trying to arrange babysitters etc without him finding out.

having a bit of an issue with hubby's sister at the moment which put a bit of a damper on our day. We're seeing her tomorrow and hubby is going to have words with her, he's not very diplomatic so I can see it all coming to a head and being quite messy. it's really getting me down because it's always me that ends up stuck in the middle and i hate bad feeling - arrggghhhhh why can't families ever be simple!!! Xx
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Wow wow wow the cake was fantastic!!! I would have thought a very expensive very professional cake maker made it!!! X
Hope family issues resolve soon Hun, it's a horrid feeling when things happen within the family x at least you have your lovely spar weekend to look forward to x
Hi all,

family issues are ten times worse today. Hubby decided to talk to his sister and it just ended up in a massive row in the middle of their parents kitchen, they were really yelling at each other and it caused a really bad atmosphere. After all that nothing got resolved and now they are not talking - grrrr!! I don't know how they're even going to begin to sort it out because they are both so stubborn and neither will back down. I'm already dreading Xmas because the whole issue is centred on that and it's just going to be so difficult.

on another note went to my cousins 18 th birthday party tonight and had an excellent time. I wore a size 14 dress I bought for a party in 2006 and haven't been able to fit into since. tonight it fit nicely so I was very happy. I felt very pleased with the way My body looked tonight ( which is very unusual for me ) so I took a picture. That way if I am ever tempted to stray from Atkins I can look at it and remind myself of how far I have come.

hope you are all well ladies xx


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Sorry to hear of the blow up. Hopefully one of them will give in to the Christmas spirit and all that. You look gorgeous, what a wonderful feeling. :)
Thanks all,

i actually felt really comfortable in my own skin for the first time in years. Normally when we go out I ask hubby how I look and he'll go on for ages about how nice I look when I know I look rubbish and he's just trying to make me feel better. I know this because he's not a good liar and he always lays it on a bit too thick if you know what I mean. Last night when I came downstairs he just looked at me and said "wow!" and nothing else. That meant more to me than a thousand words because i knew he didn't feel the need to overcompensate by going on and on so I must have looked ok. I have to say he looked pretty good too having lost nearly a stone and a half on slimming world recently - I'm very proud of him.

the family issue rumbles on and won't be resolved as neither will back down or apologise. We are left with the dilemma of spending Christmas at home on our own - which is not fair on Jacob as he knows the other grandson (SIL's son) will be spending Xmas day with with the grandparents so that's even more guaranteed to make him feel second best and he'll wonder what is going on. Or we go to the parents in law and spend the day with hubby and SIL smiling at each other through gritted teeth when we all know they actually want to kill each other. If we do that there's bound to be an atmosphere which the kids will pick up on and that's not going to be good for them either - I've told hubby it must be his decision and I will support him whatever ( the only thing I've point blank refused to consider is to go away for Xmas because that just doesn't feel right to me ) but he's just lost and devastated and doesn't know what to do. Arggggghhhhhh!!!

Hopefully life will settle a bit next week as were back to work and Jacob back to school on Monday. Also we're away at the weekend in Leeds for the night for a bit of retail therapy and a night out so that will take our minds off thing a bit.

hope you are all having a happy Sunday ladies xx