bajoleth said:Morning Mel x Hope you have a lovely day![]()
Afternoon all, just back from town with my Mum, it went OKI was talking over my diet with her and she suggested that I need to find out how many cals I can eat without gaining which of course makes sense, so DD today as usual which will just be my milk allowance unless I have something later which I doubt. Then tomorrow I am going to limit myself to 1500 I know this is too low but I have to start somewhere, fri DD Then sat and sun UP as normal, then depending on weigh in results I will adjust my weekday UPs to a level where I can hopefully STS or just gain a lb another experiment, boy we like our experiments here don't we lol x
How many cals did you have yesterday Ruth?? Well done on the sts thats what I am aiming for, looks like OH did you a favour after all, though your dinner did sound yummy x
I think its partly because you are not deprived, you can still eat your favourite foods, go out for a few drinks with friends, things which are possible on other diets but you have to fail on that particular diet to enable you to do them, the great thing about Juddd is that it gives you permission to have a life and to enjoy it whilst losing or in the long term maintaining x
Oh blinkin eck, I have come down with a cold, me and my little one have both got coughs and runny noses bleughI have a busy day again today , so will try to catch up with everyone later but in the meantime I hope you all have a wonderful day whether it be UP or DD.
My daily weigh in showed a 3 lb gain this morning which I know is only food weight etc not fat but I have been the same weight every weds for the last 3 weeks, although I am very happey my trend is downwards I think maybe a bit of tweaking is in order, DD today as usual but am thinking of not eating tomorrow until about 6pm when I would normally have my supper anyway, I don't know if thats going to be possible for me but will give it a go, if I can't mange nothing I will just have something light, my aim is to have an 'UP' where i don't gain over a 1lb which in theory should give me a better loss on sat and get me away from the same numbers IYSWIM, don't get me wrong I am really happy with the way its all going I am just tinkering , it may not even have the effect I am hoping for, we will see, anyway off to take some paracetamol see you all later x
Sat 12 7lbs official weigh in
Sun 12 10lbs gain of 3lbs after UP
Mon 12 11lbs gain of 1lb after UP
Tues 12 8lbs loss of 3lbs after DD
Wed 12 11 lbs gain of 3lbs after UP (need to try and curb my UP gains)
Afternoon all, just back from town with my Mum, it went OKI was talking over my diet with her and she suggested that I need to find out how many cals I can eat without gaining which of course makes sense, so DD today as usual which will just be my milk allowance unless I have something later which I doubt. Then tomorrow I am going to limit myself to 1500 I know this is too low but I have to start somewhere, fri DD Then sat and sun UP as normal, then depending on weigh in results I will adjust my weekday UPs to a level where I can hopefully STS or just gain a lb another experiment, boy we like our experiments here don't we lol x