Spangle on, Dudes!!
Hello everyone... Can i join you?! Massively inspired by this thread so have downloaded the app and start day one tomorrow! Hope there us room on the team for a little one? (well, metaphorically little) xx
Evening all!
First of all good evening to our new buddy Kaie Kaye! Come on in and spangle along with us
Feels like I've been away ages girls. Last couple of weeks have been a bit interesting but I am going to choose my words very carefully. I mean, I could say like 'OMG what at distaster!!! I like totally fell off the wagon and it was a toooooootal nightmare'. Or I could flick ahead to days 67 and 68 in our favourite book and a less emotionally charged was of describing what happened.
I have had a couple of pauses that have helped me to widen then old road. Pauses that have allowed me to pause, take stock and enjoy the view a while.
I had told myself I would allow myself one protein based meal per day when away for my Dad's 60th birthday weekend. This worked well for the first night and most of the second day....I stuck to plan.
As dinner was being served last night I decided I would have a baked potato and naan bread along with my barbecued chicken breast. This was a conscious decision, made on the basis that I had made sensible choices all weekend and felt confident about narrowing the road down the next day.
Why on earth I then snaffled loads of chocolate and cake is a mystery to me, but probably has to do with the idea ofnhaving one single night off and doing all my damage in one run. Am laughing as I type because I did lose control once the naan bread floodgates were opened.....but I didn't go all guilty and morose. I talked about my loss of control with my family who were, frankly in the same boat. They diffused the situation and we all ate chocolate together.
This morning I got up and got straight back on plan. I had a long journey ahead driving from London to Newcastle but felt positive.
I know that this had been helped by the fact that I have been feeling great in my face Guess jeans this weekend and am conscious that my efforts are paying off. Really, really.
We stopped at Tibshelf services and the plan was that my OH would get a burger and I would get a big black coffee to go with my lunchtime bar.
Until I got inside the place and saw the burger bar.
I wanted a burger
I wanted onion rings
I wanted teeny thin crispy fries
I went to the loo to ponder and the following thoughts flooded my brain.....
* I'm on holiday. I'll get back on track tomorrow
* but that's what I said today....and if I keep undermining myself I may as well just give up!
* what if i never get back on track??
The outcome?? I didn't have the burger. I had my coffee and peanut bar, having convinced myself that the short term delights offered by the burger would do more damange than it was worth.
Slowly, a sense of perspective overcame the impulsive burger need.
I realised that the burger would be the start of another day off. That it would be the gateway to a Chinese when I got home, a muffin, more chocolate......and subtract another day of weight loss from my progress.
I thought about that blooming burger for about an hour after. Then I made my plan.
I will get back track and feel positive about my first WI for two weeks when it gets here on Thursday.
I will get some bars to keep me going and send my hubby to avoid the temptation to get on the scales.
I will run on Monday and Wednesday and look forward to Thursday because I know I have made progress.
I will feel proud that I minimised the damage today and learned to have a pause on the way of the mountain without leaping off the edge and into a cravass.
I had a great weekend with my delightful family.......and a slice of my Daddy's 60th birthday cake.
Lots of love, ladies