Silver Member
It certainly sounds like you're on the right track! When's weigh day?
Sounds like a lovely packed weekend.
I too went for a bike ride, althou i am sore i feel good for doing it ;-),
Thats great! Do you feel amazing? I'm a bit sore too haha but feel so good! x
This weekend has been somewhat the most active weekend I can honestly ever remember having!
Me & the hubby decided to go to Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire on Saturday and hire a bike for me (he already has one)
a full day bike riding and approximately 10 miles later (after getting lost and repeating some of the route) I felt exhausted but amazing at the same time!
I kept completely on track all day having - fruit for brekki, taking two Hifi bars for HExB and a big bottle of water. I then celebrated with a bottle of diet pepsi & a calippo shots (I cant believe these are only 1 1/2 syns!!) On the way home we hit Subway and I had a Turkey & Chicken salad with a tiny dob of mayo. I then nipped next door to Starbucks and got myself a skinny Cappucino.. (I looked into it and it seemed they were only 4 syns + I hadnt had my HExA that day)
Saturday night I remembered we were going on a big family picnic on Sunday - mad dash to Asda to stock up on free SW friendly food, prep & bed.
Sunday we pack everything up, pick up my cousin & her boys and drive down to Alvaston Castle for the day!
Food eaten: BBQ turkey salad (Bernerd Matthews; ITS AMAZING and free!) carrot sticks & cucumber (I forgot my dip so they were free) I bought quorn sausages at half a syn I had 4 (2 syns) and made sure people ate the rest. I also tried the new Maple BBQ kettle wholegrain crisps (theyre also amazing) I weighed the 22g (4.5 syn) value at home and took the rest for everyone else. I ate two cheese trings as my HExA and I was naughty and didn't have a B yesterday I completely forgot! We then went for a walk and whilst everyone got stuck into Mr Whippy 99's and Magnums, I opted once again for a Calippo shot (I think im obsessed)
I also avoided sausage rolls, doughnuts, chocolate and more crisps!
I've woken up this morning very tight and sore from getting burnt yesterday (and I wore cream) and very tired. Now sitting at work wishing the weekend didnt go so quick!
Hope everyone else had a good one! x
It really was busy! I feel like I need a week to recover haha. I'm determind to lose this week after last weeks maintain! I think I will do it, I'v been completely focused this week!x
Wow... lovely weekendso glad you had an awesome time.... hope your sunburn is ok
I had a great weekend too thanks... I went out to the theatre with my daughter on Friday and again with my friend on Sunday x
Sounds like you had a lovely weekend too! What did you see at the theatre? x
This weekend has been somewhat the most active weekend I can honestly ever remember having!
Me & the hubby decided to go to Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire on Saturday and hire a bike for me (he already has one)
a full day bike riding and approximately 10 miles later (after getting lost and repeating some of the route) I felt exhausted but amazing at the same time!
I kept completely on track all day having - fruit for brekki, taking two Hifi bars for HExB and a big bottle of water. I then celebrated with a bottle of diet pepsi & a calippo shots (I cant believe these are only 1 1/2 syns!!) On the way home we hit Subway and I had a Turkey & Chicken salad with a tiny dob of mayo. I then nipped next door to Starbucks and got myself a skinny Cappucino.. (I looked into it and it seemed they were only 4 syns + I hadnt had my HExA that day)
Saturday night I remembered we were going on a big family picnic on Sunday - mad dash to Asda to stock up on free SW friendly food, prep & bed.
Sunday we pack everything up, pick up my cousin & her boys and drive down to Alvaston Castle for the day!
Food eaten: BBQ turkey salad (Bernerd Matthews; ITS AMAZING and free!) carrot sticks & cucumber (I forgot my dip so they were free) I bought quorn sausages at half a syn I had 4 (2 syns) and made sure people ate the rest. I also tried the new Maple BBQ kettle wholegrain crisps (theyre also amazing) I weighed the 22g (4.5 syn) value at home and took the rest for everyone else. I ate two cheese trings as my HExA and I was naughty and didn't have a B yesterday I completely forgot! We then went for a walk and whilst everyone got stuck into Mr Whippy 99's and Magnums, I opted once again for a Calippo shot (I think im obsessed)
I also avoided sausage rolls, doughnuts, chocolate and more crisps!
I've woken up this morning very tight and sore from getting burnt yesterday (and I wore cream) and very tired. Now sitting at work wishing the weekend didnt go so quick!
Hope everyone else had a good one! x
Last nights weigh in was a shocker!
I lost 5.5lb!!
I'm half a lb away from 2 & a half stone! and 2.5lb to being into the next stone bracket, I honestly dont think ive ever seen 16st something on scales before so I'm really going to push myself this week! x