Journey into the Unknown

I bought myself a bike yesterday! I was umming and ahhing about it but took the plunge. She's called talulla :) I bought her a basket too! I'm dead excited to get more body magic in! Xx


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How has everyones weekend been?
I've been a busy little bee!

On Friday, I had a hospital appointment regarding mirgraines and pressures in my eye being too high (was referred to a Gloucoma specialist)
Luckily, i dont have it (im too young anyway) but hes given me a 12 month recall due to high pressures. He also told me that my migraines are not migraines - its a long fancy word. Basically meaning because im not skinny i have extra pressure in my head.
When i told him I had lost 2 1/2 st his reply was "well you better continue to lose then or you will continue to get headaches" - made me a little bit angry if I'm honest!
I then went into nottingham with the hubby and my cousin and boys met us. We had harvester dinner... salad bar plus I was naughty and had a chicken burger with chips - I only had half the bun (and tbh didnt finish it) and about 5 chips as they were really salty - so hubby had them and I ate free food for the rest of the day.
I then bought my bike which has been posted above ^^^

Saturday - I woke up approximately 10.30am and wanted to go straight out on my bike! I went to tesco - got brekki and a bike lock and brode over to my cousins to cook brekki. Rode home later and chilled out the rest of the day.

Sunday - ended up going into nottingham again with a friend... started to panic about v festival being so close and feeling unprepared.... I got a pair of shorts from primark in a size 18(which as we know primark sizes are not true to size) and more socks for me wellies. then I nipped to Boots and picked up a new eyeshadow and lipstick from NYX - frestival apt. Came home and chilled and now im in the office.

my weekend in a rambly kinda way! xx
Oooh I love your bike! I really need to get myself one, but lack of storage and cash is holding us back at the moment. I'm just walking a lot at the minute doing Pokemon Go as my body magic! lol.

That doctor sounds like his bedside manner needs some work! You've done amazingly well so far and we all know you can continue doing great things!
I love her too. tbh i have a lot to pay out for at the moment but I really wanted one and I got a good price for it as Halfords had a sale on.

He was awful if im honest - it judt went in one ear out the other. I'm 6lb from 3 stone and I've had some amazing compliments at work today so I'm happy and will keep powering through! xx
tell me about it.
I have this attitude now though that if someone goes on about my weight i just laugh.. cus i know im doing something about it.
i had "fatty" shouted out a car window recenetly and I just smiled cus tbh I feel amazing and I dont care what people think! :) x
Aren't people horrible? I'd never dream of shouting personal insults out of my car window at anyone. But hey, at least you can live safe in the knowledge that whatever weight they are, you will always be a nicer person than them!
Hey hey, that's awful about getting shouted at, have they nothing better to do!? Makes me angry. Well you can lose weight but they will always be twats :)
Sooo.. today is weigh in, I cheekily weighed this morning and I was 4 1/2 down from last week... taking into account the fact I will eat today. I'm hoping for a loss of 2lb! fingers crossed and I'll let you all know! x
Sooo.. today is weigh in, I cheekily weighed this morning and I was 4 1/2 down from last week... taking into account the fact I will eat today. I'm hoping for a loss of 2lb! fingers crossed and I'll let you all know! x

Brilliant! Good luck!
I lost 3 and a half lb girls well happy! Xxx
That's a fab loss, your doing really really well. Keep it up! Bet you have a permanent smile, and so you should
Thanks all sorry I've been MIA. I've been away.
First things first though, I have been nominated for "woman of the year" in my group... the nominations were done after I posted my loss.. My nominations were lovely and I wish I knew who had done them to say thank you... voting is this Thursday at group and i wish all my fellow nominees the best of luck!

Now back to this weekend:
I have been to Cromford Steam Rally this weekend helping out with the traction engines. I have walked miles... up and down hills all weekend.. talk about a craking bit of body magic. Stupidly the sun was out yesterday but it was very windy so I didnt think it was that hot, needless to say I look like a beetroot today and I'm sore with white sunglasses on my skin!! lol. that will teach me!
This morning I'm almost falling asleep at my desk as I feel exhausted it was an amazing weekend though! I can't wait for next year!

Hope everyoine else had a good weekend! x