Thornhill Cate
50+ and fabulous
Only eat what you want and if you're hungry; don't think you have to eat because it's an up day!
So have been doing a bit of thinking about how my JUDDD experience is going and this is the behaviour that I am going to try and adopt going forward. I think it'll be easier now. When you first start JUDDDing, possibly especially after coming off a number of weeks VLCDing, the freedom to eat whatever you want on your UDs is almost overwhelming and you really want to make the most of it. It feels so unfair not to be hungry and not want to eat very much on your UD and so the temptation is to eat anyway. But now the time has come to rein in my UDs a bit and start adopting this strategy. After all, my first priority has to be weight loss so if on an UD I don't feel like eating very much I have to start seeing this as a blessing rather than a curse.