Hiya DQ,
Thanks sweetie, good to know your there x
Well diet is terrible i have been on the mother of all sugar binges, bad julie !
Just got home from work to e-mails from my surgeon reminding me not long to go now and i should be scrubbing down with aquasept everyday and taking arnica hmmm...
Today i have been trying to stay positive, even though i know i am all over the place what has gotten in to me !
I started to eat a toffee crisp today and thought stop this could kill you when they operate ( resorting to scare tactics now

) and i actually thought to myself what the hell it tastes so fine

no helping that kind of mentality is there

The problem is i know that a few months ago my surgeon didnt feel that patients with a bmi of less than 50 need diet preop (mines 44.6) so i think its ok then surely !
I think my mind doesn't understand what is happening its like the CD restart ( i will start tomorrow) and a bad bout of last mealitus the date for my surgery came through so quickly i havent had time to straighten it all out in my head.
I know its what i want more than anything but its become a distant goal and in reality its not as distant as i thought .
This is a ramble of gigantic proportions so time out i think
Mucho love to all kind enough to enter Julie XXXX