Well seems they couldnt inflate my abdomen as much as needed as i have an abnormaly small abdomen . You are pure fat the surgeon says :sigh: i know i say why do you think i am hear ? durrrr !!!!!!!!
He said he has never seen an abdomen so tiny and he had to operate in less than a 1 inch cavity

This is why i couldnt breathe because they kept me under a lot longer and i suffered with raised blood pressure and temperature for a couple of days even had to be swaddled in ice bags for the evening sunday :cry:.
First 2 days totally regretted having it done felt very depressed (anasthetic i am told) and wanted to be at home face down in a chinese
Still good to go monday afternoon after eating my white slop green slop then cream slop that i am guessing was once fish !
Got my bag of syringes/ tablets / dressings/ etc
Back to the hotel where i discovered the agony of pressure spots on me bottom

Was a little awkward couldnt lay down because breathing wasnt strong enough . Couldn't sit down poorly botty . Couldn't stand because poorly belly hmph .
Alternating the three every 2/3 minutes did the trick

Nurse came on Tuesday passed me to come home wednesday so bought new tickets and came home yey !