Oh dear,
I wanted one feature wall with paper in the lounge and hubby refused, saying it would be up a year then i'd spend the rest of my life moaning that walls never look the same after paper is stripped off lol
I love rooms with feature wall am hoping to do that in our bedroom when we do that next.
great! so alls well that ends well.
I know, I just get frustrated when things don't go right first time!
So sweet of them to get you a pressie! My OH is off to Madrid tomorrow but not hoping on getting anything when back apart from some dirty washing and ironing to do!
I got lots of washing and ironing as well, even the clean stuff needs ironing!
Good you managed to get agreement on wallpaper subject. Are you off to shops to choose something tomorrow?
Have been and got it already!
Good morning Karen
Can't believe ive not posted on your diary before after all the posting you do on mine!! How rude! Hope bathroom is starting to look a bit better now, once you get your paper up im sure it'l look fab!
Have a good day today x
Thanks for posting, it's lovely looking on and seeing someone has "spoken" to me!
Yeh, I've just multi quoted for first time, in fact quoted for first time!!
Woken up at 3 this morning by a bloody fox screeching its head off. It actually woke the whole house up. Hubby bolted up and ran out the room thinking something was up with youngest son. Fox continued to screech for at least 30 mins. We get loads of foxes but never that bad, must have losts its mate and feeling frisky so calling it back. Then flaming police car when past sirens blazing at 6.30! Isn't it illegal that early!!! Anyway had my moan all posts from now today will be positive ones. Last week of hols then back to work so make the most of last week of chilling