Thanks Rae Rae, just popped back on your diary to read your reply. Glad your taking rest hun. When I go gym I see some girls really powering away and their probably burning 5 times as much as me, but I don't let it bother me because I know I have to take it easy because of my back and espesh since my Op last year. But I am happy when I'm there and in the zone, doing my own thing lol, I feel like I'm doing something good for my body, it's a good feeling
. Do you do any classes ? I always shy away from them, I've always worked out on my own or I've had one to one PT sessions which I hope to do in the future when I can afford it again
. But yeah my friend does zumba and she really wants me to come, but I don't know if I'll enjoy classes, do you do any ?
Kay xx
You should do zumba, its a fun way of working out without realising you're working out. I used to do it all the time then I swapped gyms and they don't offer as many classes and is nowhere near as good as my old gym. I still go from time to time tho, actually booked in next week. Used to do bokwa at my old gym too. Done metafit at my new gym, sooooo hard. You're doing well xx