Gold Member
Night HunBedtime for me folks :nightf: . Will catch up with you lovely ladies tomorrow. Night night everyone. Kay xx
Sleep well xxxx
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Night HunBedtime for me folks :nightf: . Will catch up with you lovely ladies tomorrow. Night night everyone. Kay xx
Morning Kay. Just popping by to wish you a happy Friday!!
Have a lovely day xxx
Happy friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday Kay![]()
Kay I've put the soup recipe on my diary for u xx
Aww thanks so much RR, your so kind, popping over to your diary now ...:superwoman:
Kay xx
Awww Morning lovely, I had a sneaky peak today on the scales this morning, they seem to be moving in the right direction thank god ! I'm trying to keep syns low this week and will be going gym later.
How are you today PS, and how has your week been so far ?
Kay xx
My superwoman days are over, body feels dead today and got blocked nose and ears. Will that affect wi? I hope not xx
Yay ! Happy Friday to you tooooooooo !Any nice plans ? Mines a boring day, housework, gym and cooking, although I'm looking forward to gym
Kay xx
Thanks hun, nope no point in dwelling on the past
. I am indeed looking forward to doing the challenges with you, although you mentioned the salad one, its the soup one that starts first
. Hope you've had a fab week, will pop over to your diary for a catch up in a mo.
Kay xx
Nope lovely, you've done far too much good work this week for a little blocked nose to get you down ! I'm feeling super positive for you ! Have some vitamin C and lemon and ginger tea and kick that blocked nose and ears butt !
Kay xx
Kay, we are so alike!! I had a sneaky peek on the scales this morning too and they were showing a loss of 1lb, so it looks like things are moving in the right direction here too!!
I am also trying to keep my Syns quite low this week, after the amount I ate last week lol! I am aiming for closer to 70 for the whole week, rather than the full 105. And will see what happens on Tuesday.
Well done for sticking at it with the gym. I have just been saying to Emma that I need to give myself a kick up the backside and go back, as I really did enjoy the classes I used to go to. Seeing lots of people on here loving body magic at the minute so maybe I will follow suit soon!! Actually, Warren is starting a new job soon and will be doing continental shifts which will mean some night shifts. So that could be the perfect opportunity for me, whilst he is at work I could occupy myself. That's the plan anyway, just need to put it into action at some point lol
Have to say I love your new avatar pic as well. I love bunnies too, I had a pet bunny for 12 years!! She was so lovely and I do miss her at times.
Have a great Friday Kay xxx
Booooo to the housework!! My plans for today are docs at 11, dog walk and tidying up the borders in the garden, kev's going to cut the grass. So unfortunately not a very exciting Fridaylol xx
Oh yes! That's what I meant silly me!off to read the soup thread! Excited!!! Are you ok? Missed you on my diary
I'm excited reading your post! I have a good feeling about what you have said. I think going back to the gym is so gonna work for you hun ! I got inspired by Emma and some of my other gym bunny friends on here too. Although I have been keeping syns low but I feel its my days at the gym that I have to thank for the scales finally shifting. So happy your scales are showing a loss too
. And well done on the low syns. We both have 4 whole days left to really do our best. I know the weekend is the hardest, I'm going to plan my meals today so I don't go off plan. My sister hasn't confirmed yet but might be going out tomorrow with her and her friend so will want to know where we are going so I can checkout the menu before hand. To be honest I'd rather cook a meal at home because I know there will be no temptation and I will stay in control. How are you feeling about the weekend, do you think you will manage to stay on plan ?
Kay xx
Morning hun, sorry I've been a bit AWOL, will defo pop over to your diary now for a catch up, how have been, hope all is well ?
Kay xx
I totally know what you mean Kay! I know that we can often find out or have a rough estimate of the Syns when eating out, but I like to know exactly how many Syns I'm having and like you, I prefer to cook a meal at home. But we still have to have a life and from time to time eating out does crop up. I have no doubts in you that even if you do eat out, you will make sensible choices. You have already said you are hoping to have a look at the menu in advance, which is great control and willpower!!
Thankfully we don't have any plans this weekend, so it can be a nice chilled one and totally on plan. My meals over the weekend are going to be mostly Syn Free, which will mean I will have the Syns left if I do fancy something nice. I have a drawer at Warrens which has loads of SW friendly snacks in, so I should be ok. I really feel in control again and I'm determined not to let anything get in my way this week.
I feel so much more positive and upbeat, and I have to say that you sound the same this week too Kay. Which is lovely to see!xxx