Kay stop stressing, I try not to scale hop but did loads this week. Everytime I got on it sts from Saturday's wi, I weighed daily til wed. Gave Thursday a miss then got on fri as had to wi a day early and they were down 2.5 pounds. Don't know how I do ot but it seems to shift just before wi so keep ur chin up lovely, you're doin amazeballs xx
Enjoy your walk Hun xx
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Sorry RR am I turning into miss stressyhead again, I thought the 2 weeks would help me xx
Not tried them ,Ok so I've been looking into this product called `Slim Pasta and Slim Rice ' they sell them in Superdrug and H&B . They are really low in calories and carbs and you can have them on red daysyippee ! I think they will be good for bulking up meals, bit like the zero noodles that came out. I have read some reviews and a lot of people say they don't have flavour but I think if you were to use them with a sauce they should be ok. I'm thinking of getting some, Superdrug have them on offer at the mo. Has anyone tried them ? Here is a pic of their range :- <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=139639"/> Kay xx
Not tried them ,
But guess what I've looked at them
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Sometimes when I do the Salad Challenge I am still hungry. For Salad Challenge I do red days and on red days you can't have rice and pasta but these are low carb and low calories and I've checked u can have them on red. I am expecting them not to taste of anything, but with sauce I think they should be ok xx
I've had both kay. I read the review first and lots of people say they had a fishy taste but I didn't get that with the pasta, the noodles were ok in stir fries but normal pasta ones were a bit rubbery. The rice one is vile, I ordered a box, used one and binned the rest, definitely got the fishy taste with them and the 'rice' is just a cut up version of the pasta xx
Thanks RR for getting back to me. Yep I heard the rice are not nice either. The reviews say the noodles are the best. Feel so happy I can have noodles on red days, might stock up on them soon
They may have changed as it was a few years ago I had them but I think ypur best bet would be the noodles. Just get 1 or 2 packs to see if you like them. They are expensive so it'd be a shane to waste them like I did, lol xx
I think your ment to soak them in water for a while to get the fishy smell out lol that's what I read, but yeh will buy a small quantity first, thanks xx
I did, lol. Its just very overpowering xx
Oh no, oh no, for those of you that don't like miss stressyhead turn away now ...My sister decided to drop by just now without telling me. She's had a shitty day at work (she works some sundays) change of management and stuff. She was so busy today she didn't get a chance to eat her lunch so she bought onion bhajis and samosas from the local takeaway. We had coffee and I munched on them with her while she was telling me her problems.
My whole day has gone to a complete waste ! What's wrong with me ! :cry: