Awww thanks Michelle :hug99:, what a lovely message to wake up to. You've really put things into perspective and your right, it will no doubt happen sometime in the future again, I just need to be prepared for it. I guess none of this would have happened if I had just said `no', but that's why I was upset with myself, its very rare I have that power to look food in the face and say `no'. The way I have lost my weight is `out of sight out of mind ' I just don't bring naughty stuff in the house because I cant trust myself with it. But in life you can't hide away from it either, when u go out, or if people come round its bound to be there and I have to learn to deal with that in a better manner as you have said

On a more happy note, I loved all your holiday pics Michelle, they were awesome !

Looked like u had such a nice time and I was drooling over all the food pics !
