Kay's journey to health and happiness

Know how you feel with Sts. I hate it but look at it as Atleast that's not a gain, and you might so even better next week with a bigger loss x

Hi Jess, yep defo happy its not a gain after my Chinese this week :p and I really hope what you say comes true, a bigger loss next week to make up for 2 weeks, yay bring it on ! :D

Kay xx
Don't you dare give up! A maintain is good (though I was disappointed too when I had one). I think sometimes our bodies have a little rest on the way.

I went to group when I had my sts and there was one lady who only ever lost 1/2lb a week. She still had lost loads, it was just slowly coming off.

It made me realise my expectations were unrealistic. I'd been galloping along and this was a blip. (Please remind me Thurs as I was away all weekend and had two meals out!)

Thank u for posting on my diary :p and thanks for your support and kind words. I know what u mean about slow losses. If I had 1 stone to target perhaps I wouldn't mind, but still another 4 to go, so feel I need to push myself a bit harder. But I will try and get into the habbit of looking at my losses over a month rather than weekly as my good friend Bev keeps telling me and she's right :) . As long as I hit my monthly goals I should be ok. I hope your doing well this week . Well done on your 1.5 stone loss, that's great :eek: .

Kay xx
Thanks everyone for all your kind words and support, but sorry to let you all down and myself, a crappy sts for me this week :cry:That's what happens when you don't eat enough superfree with all your meals :( ! Back to soup again from tomorrow !

I have such a good group, I was the only one that didn't lose anything this week and I missed out on getting my 3 stone award. I'm so fed up with myself, I just want to disappear . :sad0071:

Awwww Kay !!! why are you beating yourself up love? A STS is brill considering you ate out and had TOTM too. I think its a brill result. Stick with it hunni and chin up xxx
Kay, be kind to yourself please. A sts is good when you've had 2weeks of big losses. Your body is just catching up and will start again next week. You've had chinese out this week+you said a lot more carbs than you're used to so a sts is fantastic. I understand you're gutted but if you look at the bigger picture, you'll realise you're still doing fantastically well. Keep your chin up xx

Thanks RR, you've been fab as a friend and I really appreciate your support. Feeling better now and am more focused to do well next week. Hope your having a good day hun :) .

Kay xx
Kay you've done so well don't give up. You've not let anyone down, we all have weeks like this! It's a new week now, look to the opportunities, no more looking back. :) :)

Thanks Lauren, I'm sure most of all you know how I feel. I am a woman on a mission now as of tomorrow ! :D

Kay xx
Thank you SM :), how did you get on today ? :p Kay xx

Waiting outside to go weigh! Need to use the loo - hope that will make a difference!
Hey missy, what do you say to me? A sts is better than a gain! I've stayed the same the last 2 weeks but I really do feel like I look smaller, and people have commented that I'm shrinking! I can fully understand how gutted you must be though that you narrowly missed out on your 3 stone award :(


Keep your chin up, you'll smash it this week! xxx

Awww thanks so much Danielle, did I say that ? :D lol just kidding ! Nope your absolutely right can't afford to get down about it for too long, I have to keep my focus. Next week the 3 stone is mine to take, promise ! :p Hope your having a nice day hun . Thanks once again.

Kay xx
Waiting outside to go weigh! Need to use the loo - hope that will make a difference!

oh good luck SM fingers crossed for u hun :). Hope you smash it ! :D

Kay xx
You've not let anyone down hun, the 2 weeks before you lost 3lbs and 3.5lbs (if I remember correctly), so even with a STS this week 6.5lbs in 3 weeks is good going! Plus you know exactly why it happened and what you need to work on this week. We've all had those horrible disappointing weeks so I really feel for ya, but I know you're gonna kick some ass next week and smash that award! :) xxx

Thanks so much Bev, your just brill ! :D You read my mind lol. Yep I know exactly where I went wrong and what I need to do to fix this. I will not deprive myself, but monitor better what's going in my tummy :p . Less of the carbs, more fibre and be drinking loads of water. I hope you have a smashing result on Saturday, so excited for you ! :) Will pop over to your diary soon for a good catchup !

Kay xx
ohhh kay hope your ok! you havent let anyone down and how much you have lost in the last few weeks is fab! sometimes our bodies need to adjust. be strong, carry on and youll get there next week!!!!!
superfree and speed are your friends this week... socialise, im going to be meeting them quite a bit this week come and join in :) xxx

Thanks Brittany, I still remember that week when I was asked you about the peppers and u suggested making the soup, how well that decision tuned out for me with a fab loss that week :p, going back to my lovely soup again :). Going to freeze batches in my little containers. Should last me most of the week. Fresh start from tomorrow. Hope I have my 3 stone in the bag next week ! :D Thanks for your continued support and advice, I really appreciate it. Hope your having a fab week hun !

Kay xx
Awwww Kay !!! why are you beating yourself up love? A STS is brill considering you ate out and had TOTM too. I think its a brill result. Stick with it hunni and chin up xxx

Thanks Sheila. It's strange because as the week was going by I could tell I wasn't working as hard as the week before, but taking it easy. Nothing wrong with that but I can't have too many of those kinda weeks :D . Once in a while I will allow myself to let go, it's good to do that and I did last week, but straight back on it this week. My TOTM fairy has not come yet, she is overdue, god help me if she arrives next week after all my hard work I'm going to be putting in :rolleyes:. Oh well it is what it is. Thanks for all your support Sheila your amazing as always !! :p I hope your feeling much better today, will pop over to your diary in a mo :) .

Kay xx
Thanks Sheila. It's strange because as the week was going by I could tell I wasn't working as hard as the week before, but taking it easy. Nothing wrong with that but I can't have too many of those kinda weeks :D . Once in a while I will allow myself to let go, it's good to do that and I did last week, but straight back on it this week. My TOTM fairy has not come yet, she is overdue, god help me if she arrives next week after all my hard work I'm going to be putting in :rolleyes:. Oh well it is what it is. Thanks for all your support Sheila your amazing as always !! :p I hope your feeling much better today, will pop over to your diary in a mo :) .

Kay xx

Well .... im in the position you were in last night and dreading WI. My scales have shown a loss since the weekend, popped on them this morning and voila 2lbs ON!!! Im blaming stuff I dont normally have on a regular basis due to my sore mouth. Ive probably had more bread ( usually once a week) I had corned beef hash, I try not to eat much corned beef cos its fatty ( I did syn it) I had mayflower sauce (6 syns worth at a time cos the sauce was easy to swallow).

Ahhhh I dunno one of these days I will get the balance right lol. We can do it Kay - your also an awesome support not just to me but everyone's diaries that you follow. Keep up the good work chick x
Thanks so much Bev, your just brill ! :D You read my mind lol. Yep I know exactly where I went wrong and what I need to do to fix this. I will not deprive myself, but monitor better what's going in my tummy :p . Less of the carbs, more fibre and be drinking loads of water. I hope you have a smashing result on Saturday, so excited for you ! :) Will pop over to your diary soon for a good catchup !

Kay xx

Aww thanks hun. I dunno if you get this too, but sometimes after a couple of good losses in a row I have a tendency to get a bit complacent with it all. Don't get me wrong I don't go overboard with syns and things, but I'll have more carby things than salads, not control things quite as much, then I get a result like you did today and it makes me all super focused again.

I'm sooo nervous about Saturday its unreal and it's only Tuesday! :rolleyes: xx
Aww thanks hun. I dunno if you get this too, but sometimes after a couple of good losses in a row I have a tendency to get a bit complacent with it all. Don't get me wrong I don't go overboard with syns and things, but I'll have more carby things than salads, not control things quite as much, then I get a result like you did today and it makes me all super focused again.

I'm sooo nervous about Saturday its unreal and it's only Tuesday! :rolleyes: xx

OMG !! Flippin spot on. What are u like, your really reading my mind now, it's freaky sh** ! lol :p Ditto you have just described me there perfectly ! I could not have put it better myself . That's why I'm all super charged now and proper onit from tommrow :D hehe . God I hope you have a smashing result on Saturday Bev !! :)

Kay xx
OMG !! Flippin spot on. What are u like, your really reading my mind now, it's freaky sh** ! lol :p Ditto you have just described me there perfectly ! I could not have put it better myself . That's why I'm all super charged now and proper onit from tommrow :D hehe . God I hope you have a smashing result on Saturday Bev !! :)

Kay xx

Haha, we are so alike! You're the only person I know who gets as stressed as me before weigh in's too! I'm determined to be proper 'on it' 'till then and keep fairly low cal, so fingers crossed eh and thanks for the well wishes xxx
glad you are feeling more positive kay, i do think adding soup in the day does make a great difference :) actually im going to take some out of the freezer now :) youve inspired me :D
hope you are having a nice night :) xx

Thanks Brittany, yep I'm woman on a mission to get her 3 stone back as of tomorrow :D ! Let's keep each other motivated this week with our soups and superfree. I know for me after day 3, I start to get bored of it a bit, but somehow I will push myself to keep going. Hope you have a fab week ahead hun :) !

Kay xx
Well .... im in the position you were in last night and dreading WI. My scales have shown a loss since the weekend, popped on them this morning and voila 2lbs ON!!! Im blaming stuff I dont normally have on a regular basis due to my sore mouth. Ive probably had more bread ( usually once a week) I had corned beef hash, I try not to eat much corned beef cos its fatty ( I did syn it) I had mayflower sauce (6 syns worth at a time cos the sauce was easy to swallow).

Ahhhh I dunno one of these days I will get the balance right lol. We can do it Kay - your also an awesome support not just to me but everyone's diaries that you follow. Keep up the good work chick x

Awww thanks Sheila, I get so much support myself from everyone on here, I love my mins friends :) . Don't worry about the home scales hun, go by the official ones tomorrow. Even if its a small gain, considering the kind of week you've had and the pain you've had to go through, it's understandable and like you said you've had to incorporate foods that you normally wouldn't go for so its not your fault . I'm still hoping for a loss for u hun or a sts, you've been so good to keep within your syns this week and your food diary has been really good too. Staying positive for you hun, fingers crossed :) .

Kay xx
Awww thanks Sheila, I get so much support myself from everyone on here, I love my mins friends :) . Don't worry about the home scales hun, go by the official ones tomorrow. Even if its a small gain, considering the kind of week you've had and the pain you've had to go through, it's understandable and like you said you've had to incorporate foods that you normally wouldn't go for so its not your fault . I'm still hoping for a loss for u hun or a sts, you've been so good to keep within your syns this week and your food diary has been really good too. Staying positive for you hun, fingers crossed :) .

Kay xx

Thanks petal fingers crossed .... gulp lol xx
Hello :)
Sorry about your STS this week Kay, your post sounded like your totally gutted but you did say it was TOTM or due so a STS is a really good result. Keep the faith! :girlpower:Xx