Kay's journey to health and happiness

Hello :)
Sorry about your STS this week Kay, your post sounded like your totally gutted but you did say it was TOTM or due so a STS is a really good result. Keep the faith! :girlpower:Xx

Aww thanks Cookie, TOTM fairy hasn't visited me yet, I am overdue and someone has hijacked the pf too because she didn't come either before weigh in this morning so I had a nice jelly belly stomach before weigh in :rolleyes:. Yep was gutted on my sts, missed out on my 3 stone award. Anyway water under the bridge now. Keeping focused and positive for tomorrow, new week, new start :) . Hope you have a fab loss this week Cookie, your diary and meals have been really good :p .

Kay xx
And I bet if you weighed yourself in the morning you'd prob be down 2lbs!!!!!
Thanks Kay, I need a loss not had one this month yet! :beam: All I know is that I'm sticking to plan and watching what I eat so all being well it'll show on the scales on Thursday. What meals are you planning this week? Might nick some of your ideas if that's ok x
Thanks Kay, I need a loss not had one this month yet! :beam: All I know is that I'm sticking to plan and watching what I eat so all being well it'll show on the scales on Thursday. What meals are you planning this week? Might nick some of your ideas if that's ok x

Of course you can hun :) . I will be having soup, soup and more soup :D ... lol, no seriously there will be plenty of soup but I want to mix things up a bit, might get adventurous and throw in some red days to boost my metabolism, think my body has been fed on rice and pasta for a while now. Might go with meats and salads instead. Going for a super charged week this week so will try and keep syns to a low and drink like fish to water, will try and go for 3L a day. Hopefully all this should make those scales go down a bit for next week :p .

Kay xx
Sounds like a good plan, you'll be quite friendly with your loo after all the soup and water though :)

Hehe yes I kinda will :p, but I'm more than happy to hijack the pf since she is in such high demand before everyones weigh in :D .

Kay xx
Hehe yes I kinda will :p, but I'm more than happy to hijack the pf since she is in such high demand before everyones weigh in :D .

Kay xx

Send her my way on Sat morning! Think I might need to make that speed soup, lol x
Send her my way on Sat morning! Think I might need to make that speed soup, lol x

Oh I will do once she decides to pay me a visit....I'm am still in search of her since this morning lol ! :D

Kay xx
She's probably at mrstore, think that's her favourite mini.

I know Sheila's often mentioned that too :D Kathryn what are you bribing her with ?? lol

Kay xx
Lol.... She's only been here the once today :rolleyes:

I can only say what everyone else has said... A sts isn't a gain hun... Keep up the good work and that 3 stone will be yours next week! :)

I want to kill the totm fairy at the mo... She's making my boobies so bloody sore and making the scales stupidly high!! :mad:
Lol.... She's only been here the once today :rolleyes:

I can only say what everyone else has said... A sts isn't a gain hun... Keep up the good work and that 3 stone will be yours next week! :)

I want to kill the totm fairy at the mo... She's making my boobies so bloody sore and making the scales stupidly high!! :mad:

Aww thanks hun. I want to kill the TOTM fairy too, she's not visited yet and I'm due anyday now and my tummy is proper bloated. Well done on your loss this week hun your doing so well. Good luck for your 2nd weigh in, I know you do 2 :p . Hope you have a fab week ahead :) !

Kay xx
Aww thanks hun. I want to kill the TOTM fairy too, she's not visited yet and I'm due anyday now and my tummy is proper bloated. Well done on your loss this week hun your doing so well. Good luck for your 2nd weigh in, I know you do 2 :p . Hope you have a fab week ahead :) !

Kay xx

Thanks lovely! :) I'll knock her over your way with my griddle next time I see her!! It's a horrible feeling when you know it's going to come anytime soon... Hope it's not long hun xxx
Thanks lovely! :) I'll knock her over your way with my griddle next time I see her!! It's a horrible feeling when you know it's going to come anytime soon... Hope it's not long hun xxx

Thanks Kathryn do send her asap :p, hate that TOTM feeling, just wanna get it out of the way ! Why do men have it so easy eh ? :rolleyes:

Kay xx
...ok going to hit the pillow now, it's been lovely chatting with you all tonight, you've all given me so much support and encouragement to keep going on. Thanks so much, I really appreciate it. Night night ladies.

Group Hug Kay xx

Potato and Lentil Soup Recipe - with an Indian twist - FREE ON GREEN

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=125481"/>

1 chopped onion
1 crushed clove of garlic
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp garam masala
1 stock cube
1 cup of orange lentils
3 cups of water
1-2 finely chopped potatoes

Fry the onions and garlic in a sauce pan with frylight. When the onions are soft add all the spices (except garam masala) cook until fragrant. Add water, lentils, stock cube and potatoes. Bring to boil then simmer until lentils and potatoes are cooked. Stir regularly and add more water if required. Now turn off the heat once cooked and sprinkle with garam masala. You can have this on its own or serve it with rice, its lovely :) .

Thanks so much, love spicy stuff :) would this be free on extra easy? Xx