Kay's journey to health and happiness

Thanks so much, love spicy stuff :) would this be free on extra easy? Xx

Morning RR :) I believe so, I think you can use new potatoes and lentils I'm sure are free on EE .

Kay xx
Abut miraculous tbh - down 2lbs!

Wow, well done SM on your 2lb loss, I'm so happy for you ! :) You worked really hard this week and if my memory serves me correctly, I think that puts you in the next stone bracket doesn't it ? Great going :p hope you have another smashing week ahead hun !

Kay xx
Morning everyone :( in bed with my hot water bottle, I've got the mother of all cramps this morning :cry:. Yep TOTM fairy has visited me. I am glad she came but also have zero energy to make stuff for my plan. Just feel like eating whatevers in the fridge, can't be asked to cook. Having my herbal tea. Can't think of what to have for breakfast :confused: . Hope your all having a nice morning.

Kay xx
Morning Kay, I don't envy you today, I had her last week and it felt like she was here for ages too! Hot water bottle and tea sounds good. Tbh she didn't make me feel that hungry this time but I did drink a lot of tea and water so that helped the bloated ness after a few days.
I've just had a little scan barn cake with fruit & yogurt but wish I'd soaked some oats instead for magic pancakes as I really like those, might do that later for tomorrow.
What do you fancy? Have you anything you can just warm up or maybe some weetabix? X
Morning Kay, I don't envy you today, I had her last week and it felt like she was here for ages too! Hot water bottle and tea sounds good. Tbh she didn't make me feel that hungry this time but I did drink a lot of tea and water so that helped the bloated ness after a few days.
I've just had a little scan barn cake with fruit & yogurt but wish I'd soaked some oats instead for magic pancakes as I really like those, might do that later for tomorrow.
What do you fancy? Have you anything you can just warm up or maybe some weetabix? X

Thanks Cookie, I'm trying to drink loads too, to get rid of this bloatyness. First few days are always a killer for me cramps wise. When I was overweight I used to suffer from PCOS and one of the symptoms is the awful pain, in worse times I have fainted in the past, but since doing SW and with my weightloss the doc says I have helped myself and PCOS is almost gone. Before SW, TOTM fairy only used to visit me 5-6 times a year :eek:, but now after my weightloss, she comes every month thankfully, but I hate the pain that comes with it :( .

Anyway foodwise like you said I'm not hungry but I will have to eat something soon or I will be feeling very weak. Also I take strong painkillers for the pain and they should not be taken on an empty stomach so need to think of something quick to make. Was thinking of beans on toast ? or boiled egg or marmite on toast :confused: confused.com ...don't think I will be able to make my soup today I have zero energy, probably have yesterdays leftovers for dinner, chicken and pasta :(, it's not what I had planned for myself, oh well another shitty week. God knows if I'll have a loss .

Kay xx
ohhh kay :( hope you feel better soon? have you got anything in the freezer you could quickly defrost and eat rather than eating whatever? i understand about not cooking sometimes just cant be bothered espesh when the cramps come :(
keep drinking the fluids :D xx
Dont right it off yet Kay. Its only a shitty week if u let it. Your leftovers are on the plan. Look after yourself today and you might b surprised what the rest of the week will bring. Do you have a slow cooker? When i feel lifeless i chuck everything in there for my soup and it cooks itself just blitz it when ur ready to eat it. No faffing about and a pamper is what u need. Does soaking in a hot bath help ur cramps take a book and chill. Works a treat for me but we are all different i guess. X

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Doesn't sound like a pooey week if you don't have your soup. Isn't it good how weigh loss has helped your PCOS our bodies are amazing at healing themselves with the help of diet and exercise. Beans on toast or better still have it with a poached egg and some tomatoes and that's a very good breakfast, I'd just have one toast though if your doing EE as you might want the rest of your heb later in the form of a Alpen or hi fi bar.

Chicken pasta sounds good add a few veggies to it for your super free and it's a good meal planned for today. Alls not lost Kay :) x
ohhh kay :( hope you feel better soon? have you got anything in the freezer you could quickly defrost and eat rather than eating whatever? i understand about not cooking sometimes just cant be bothered espesh when the cramps come :(
keep drinking the fluids :D xx

Hi Brittany thanks , was thinking of toast in the toaster, quick and easy to do . I'm not even hungry :( . But have to take something so I can take my painkillers. Might go for beans on toast me thinks.

Sorry I'm very hormonal this morning, going to have a rant now about men ! Why did God decide to give women all the pain ??....waxing pain, period pain, labour pain, threading pain and any other pain you want to add to the list !!! :mad::mad::mad: This time of the month I think all men best stay clear of me ! :flamingmad:
Dont right it off yet Kay. Its only a shitty week if u let it. Your leftovers are on the plan. Look after yourself today and you might b surprised what the rest of the week will bring. Do you have a slow cooker? When i feel lifeless i chuck everything in there for my soup and it cooks itself just blitz it when ur ready to eat it. No faffing about and a pamper is what u need. Does soaking in a hot bath help ur cramps take a book and chill. Works a treat for me but we are all different i guess. X

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Thanks bubbles, I don't have a slow cooker and my pain is so bad right now all I want to do is lay in bed :( . I will have a hot bath later with some aromatherapy oils to ease the pain. Thanks again, hope your having a good day hun :) .

Kay xx
Doesn't sound like a pooey week if you don't have your soup. Isn't it good how weigh loss has helped your PCOS our bodies are amazing at healing themselves with the help of diet and exercise. Beans on toast or better still have it with a poached egg and some tomatoes and that's a very good breakfast, I'd just have one toast though if your doing EE as you might want the rest of your heb later in the form of a Alpen or hi fi bar.

Chicken pasta sounds good add a few veggies to it for your super free and it's a good meal planned for today. Alls not lost Kay :) x

Thanks Cookie, it sounds realistic and achievable what your saying, I think I will stick with that. As much as I want to cook, I just don't have the energy. Will stick with what I have already in the fridge but will stay on plan and add lots of salads and fruit to my day. Luckily I have Asda's ready made salad in the fridge so don't need to chop or prepare anything :) . Sorry for my rants this morning. Your day sounds fun, breakfast for dinner sounds great ! I might try that one day :p. Hope you have a fab day hun.

Kay xx
...okay going to go down to make some breakfast, then will take my tablets and try and sleep a bit. Will pop back later in the afternoon. Hope you all have a nice day :).

Kay xx
Oh hun the rants can keep coming its only the male losers who may not "get it" after all us girls get that sort of week at least 12 times a year!
Keep yourself as comfy as poss.
Here to listen whenever you need. :)

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Ah sorry to hear you're having a crappy day Kay, hope you're having a duvet day, warm bed, warm drink, painkillers & a period drama, excuse the pun, Pride or Predjudice or something similar;)
Awww sorry you're feeling poop hun.... Can totally sympathise with the pain... It's a pain in the arse... Literally!

Hope you're resting and are feeling a little better now... (((hugs))) xxx
Ah sorry to hear you're having a crappy day Kay, hope you're having a duvet day, warm bed, warm drink, painkillers & a period drama, excuse the pun, Pride or Predjudice or something similar;)

Thanks Issy :) it's good to hear from you, glad your back. Will pop over to your diary in a mo . I'm feeling much better thanks after having rested a bit .

Kay xx
Awww sorry you're feeling poop hun.... Can totally sympathise with the pain... It's a pain in the arse... Literally!

Hope you're resting and are feeling a little better now... (((hugs))) xxx

Awww thanks Kathryn, had an afternoon nap, feeling a bit better now. I should be as good as new in a day or two, when aunt flow calms down :p .

Kay xx
Evening all :), so I planned on having yesterdays chicken pasta for dinner then my sister decided to pop round and there was nothing for her, didn't cook was unwell so gave that to her and had to stand up and whip up something quick for myself. So I decided to make a Chicken Tikka Wrap with salad and raita, it was gorgeous and so healthy and quick to make.

I want to share this recipe for chicken tikka pieces because it's oh so simple to make and ever so quick using minimal ingredients. The tikka pieces can be used for so many things. You can use them in wraps, sandwiches, burgers, salads, soups, rice...the list goes on . You can freeze them also once made and use them at a later time.

Here is what you need :-

1 - 250g of fat free natural yogurt (or half a tub of 500g)
2) 2 heaped tsps. of Rajah Tandoori Masala (its £0.72 at Asdas in the world food section, it has to be this one, no other powder is good enough :p)
3) Frylight

4) x1 packet of Quorn chicken style pieces or you can use x2 chicken breasts (on red days) cut into bite size tikka pieces.
In a pan on medium/high flame spray some frylight, add the chicken, 250g of ff yogurt and 2 tsps. of rajah tandoori masala keep stirring and cook for 8-10 mins with lid off until water dries out and the chicken pieces are nicely coated with the tandoori masala - that's it ! :)

Once its done here is what the pieces look like. The colour from the Rajah masala mix is beautiful.

I decided to use mine to make a chicken tikka wrap tonight using a Bfree wrap as a hexb . I also topped my wrap with cucumber raita, salad and some fried onions for garnish. It's worked out as a syn free meal and it was so filling and yummy ! :)

Here is my lovely chicken tikka wrap.

I cannot recommend this enough, its only 3 ingredients and you can use the left over tikka pieces for sandwiches, burgers, salads the list is endless ! and it only takes 10 minutes to make. But make sure you only get the Rajah spice mix, its packed with flavour, it does all the work for you and the chicken comes out restaurant quality promise :) .

Ok going to post up todays eats in a bit........