Kay's journey to health and happiness

We sure do! Hoping you're having a really good week, settling in and getting to know where everything is.

Have you had a fight with the photocopier/printer yet? They hate me and anywhere new they just wait for me to be in the vicinity and have a massive jam! :)

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Hello L, how did you guess ? :D The card machine is my worst enemy, I need to take payments for invoices sometimes, but my nails keep typing the wrong numbers :p lol . Hope your well lovely need to do a serious catch up on your diary xx
Aw, lovely to see just a quickie from you. Enjoy the X (we're about to watch, its recording but we'll start in a min)
Oh dear re the chocs but mmmm, jealous! xx

Don't ask L, my tum is proper sticking out after yesterdays chocgate :eek::rolleyes: xx
Am watching xfactor too :)
LOL at the Lindt chocs :D
ah well enjoy :D

Hello hun :), good to see ya ! I was hoping you would pass some of your magic vibes my way :vibes::p lol. You've done brill in the quarterly challenge with smashing losses in October :D, I hope I can get my act together for November :rolleyes:, the chocs are certainly not going to help, they were nice though :p hehe xx
OOh love Lindt (well as you know any will do!) any chance of setting up a choc challenge? As you're so busy - mo need to reply cos I know the answer already - but I can live in hope!!

Now then ...
I can see over 100 people wanting to sign up already :peep: and I'll be the first in line ! :rotflmao: :D xx

You will get back focused , I know you , and then you will kick butt

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I'll start when I see your Super Vonic pic go back up, how about that ? Deal ? :D (Although I think your SV powers have came back this week already :p) xx
Morning sis

Step away from the choccy x
Have a great day xxx

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Oh dear don't need to, its already in my tum ... yep I cleared the whole lot yesterday :sigh: xx
Really lets put this into perspective, those yummy Christmas chocs (I hope Santa puts some in my stocking), won't break the syn bank, what other syns have you had this week?

I hope you're feeling ok today & not being hard on yourself x

There's nothing left to rob in the bank Michelle, yes I did a total clearout of the choccy box so proper syn carnage ! I don't do things in halves :rolleyes:, greedy guts I am. It's all or nothing for me. It's best not to have stuff like this is the house, otherwise I give in to temptation. The words `portion control ' are foreign to me :sigh:. I think it best to work with our limitations, for me if its not in my shopping trolley, I wont eat it .

Now ask me how did the box get in the house ?

It was a gift for someone :eek:, yes I hold my hands up, I'm quite famous for munching through presents of the edible kind and off I go to replace them on my shopping list :rolleyes:. (Hangs head in shame ) Terrible I know :sigh: xx
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Hi I'm new here, I read your post and well done for what u have achieved so far! I'm an emotional eater also and completely understand what it's like. (I used to be an emotional drinker but have knocked that on the head and very rarely drink now). I had a sneeky peek at your Indian recipes and will defiantly be trying some of them, as I love a good curry!
i might try the Indian soup tomorrow , and the madras looks good!
Keep going and enjoy your grub xxx

Hello hun and welcome to the nutty bunny's diary :D.

Well done on starting SW and giving up drinking. I'm a huge emotional eater too, but SW has really helped me on my journey and coming on mins has been a huge support towards my weight loss :). Glad you liked my curry thread hun, all the recipes are SW friendly. The Indian Soup is perfect for winter, I'm sure you'll love it, its not too spicy but has some warm spices like cloves and fennel, it makes a delicious broth. Good luck on your SW journey ;). Do you have a dairy hun, I would love to sub ?

Kay xx
Now this is one challenge I would definitely join! :D

Tut tut baaaad bunny :D

I'm sure you enjoyed them hun, apart from the one you saved for me that is lol!

Will pop back later to see if you've been back on. Hope you're having a relaxing Sunday xx

How can you be so sure I saved one for ya ! :D hehe, that depends, would you give me your last rolo ? :giggle: If the answer is NO, I'm not worried, I just want you to know we still have a friendship :p :8855: xx (I'm kidding)
Noooo what are those lovely, delicious yet clearly slightly evil Christmas characters doing to my Bunny?!

(this is why I dare not venture into the Christmas aisle at the supermarket cause how scrummy do those look?!)
Hope you've had a lovely fun weekend & are not here because you're busy & not because your hiding from us. Remember never any need to :hide: from us xx

Hello lovely :wavey:,

I miss you lots Shelley ;). Well done on a fab October ! Your on fire ! :D I'm so happy for you :bunnydance: . Yep your right Christmas aisles are lethal :sigh:, I always end up giving into temptation. Maybe online shopping is the best way forward, keep meaning to try it. Hope your well lovely and having a fab week :p.

Kay xx
Yay ! Caught up on posts on my diary, now to post my update, then off for a quick catch up on everyone's diaries :p xx
How can you be so sure I saved one for ya ! :D hehe, that depends, would you give me your last rolo ? :giggle: If the answer is NO, I'm not worried, I just want you to know we still have a friendship :p :8855: xx (I'm kidding)

Lol! You're too kind bunny :D Course I would give you my last Rolo! After I'd sucked all the choc off first hahaha! xx
Hello L, how did you guess ? :D The card machine is my worst enemy, I need to take payments for invoices sometimes, but my nails keep typing the wrong numbers :p lol . Hope your well lovely need to do a serious catch up on your diary xx

I can (and do) regularly take apart pcs and laptops, also mobile phones... they don't faze me at all but I am allergic to printers, they play up as soon as they see me come into a building lol and I've also (blush) never ever used a cash machine as I'm convinced they're going to swallow my card (it happened once, the first time I ever used one as I repeatedly put in the pin for another card duh). My sister also had her card cloned and had a lot of hassle sorting it out, so now I'll only get cash from the bank or cash back in the supermarket or the like.

Don't ask L, my tum is proper sticking out after yesterdays chocgate :eek::rolleyes: xx

Ah well I wasn't totally innocent of being a piggy myself yesterday, it MUST have been something in the air! :rolleyes:
Lol! You're too kind bunny :D Course I would give you my last Rolo! After I'd sucked all the choc off first hahaha! xx

...what a quick comeback ! :D Oh I've missed our banter :p lol . Yuck ! thanks but no thanks lol think I'll pass ! How you been ? Missed ya ! :D xx
...what a quick comeback ! :D Oh I've missed our banter :p lol . Yuck ! thanks but no thanks lol think I'll pass ! How you been ? Missed ya ! :D xx

You no likey? :giggle:

Aww, I've missed you too Kay. We have a laugh don't we hehe! I still miss Kirsty too, was thinking about her yesterday :rolleyes:

I'm fine thanks :) back on plan tomorrow after my break ;) xx
Now ask me how did the box get in the house ?

It was a gift for someone :eek:, yes I hold my hands up, I'm quite famous for munching through presents of the edible kind and off I go to replace them on my shopping list :rolleyes:. (Hangs head in shame ) Terrible I know :sigh: xx

I might have done that - in fact last Christmas I ordered online from Hotel Chocolat. Had to get a few extras (to get free postage not just cause I'm greedy) then ended up eating those & some of the gifts. Ended up going to shop and leaving the gifts in my car until nearer the day :eek:

Lol! You're too kind bunny :D Course I would give you my last Rolo! After I'd sucked all the choc off first hahaha! xx

True friendship!
Greetings everyone :D !

I hope you're all well. It's hard trying to keep up with mins, it moves so fast in a week :eek::p. I usually manage to come on, on Sundays. Think I've caught up on all the threads and posts and pm's lol, just got diaries to visit now.

Just an update from me of how things have been ...

I went back to group on Wednesday and have gained 2.5lbs :rolleyes: all my own doing I know. I need to get back on track. It's a new month and a new start, there are still 2 months till the end of the year, I can still lose a stone if I try or even half a stone I will be happy. I spoke to my C about removing my history and starting fresh, but she said NO. She said I've just had a few bad weeks and to keep coming to group and I will lose it again. My dream of being in the 10's by Christmas will not happen this year, but I'm not going to put pressure on myself anymore, as long as I am losing I am happy, even if its 1lb a week ;).

I'm doing my Soup Challenge from tomorrow. Hope that will kick start the losses again and stop my cravings (the water really does help) . I will be going to group every Wednesday evening from now on and posting my losses, am happy to be back on track :).

I have decided to leave the month of November for exercise. I will not be going gym. I think with the new job and getting back into SW, I just want to focus on that for now and I want to be careful with my back too. I do love gym and do want to do it, but I think I will wait a month till I have had some losses and am back into the swing of things, then I will consider adding more onto my week. ;)

Work is going well and the week flys by, I'm liking it :D, so far so good, but its early days yet, we all love our job when its new :p, well I hope it stays that way. Today I have been good foodwise, I would say its my first day back on plan (after yesterdays chocgate :rolleyes:). I've drank 3 litres of water and the pf has been around 3 times already :giggle: . There is only 3 days left to weigh in, all I can do is hope for a STS after all the choccy I ate yesterday, if I get a STS on Wednesday I will be over the moon ! I am also on the Countdown to 2015 challenge, so that will help me stay focused with my losses till the end of the year. It's amazing to see everyone's losses on there, everyone is doing brilliant ! its so inspiring, makes you think how committed everyone is to looking their best for 2015 ! :D

Right that's it from me till next week, I will try and come on again later tonight if I can. I'm off now to have a quick catch up on diaries then will be signing off.

Lots of love to you all !
It's bye from the flying bunny for now ! :p
Kay xx

Glad the job is going well - good attitude to ur tiny gain - and good target/s for the challenge! Have a good week! X
I'll start when I see your Super Vonic pic go back up, how about that ? Deal ? :D (Although I think your SV powers have came back this week already :p) xx

Oh how could I say no to that , off to change avatar :)

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