Kay's journey to health and happiness

Hi sis
Hope your days gone ok ,
Love ya xxxx

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Evening everyone :wavey:,

Thank you for all your lovely messages, I promise to reply to them on Sunday ;). This is just a flying visit from me. I went to group tonight and lost 1.5lbs ;). I am happy with that, especially after choccygate on the weekend :p, there are no choccies in the house now :D. I'm doing the soup challenge this week, to give myself a proper kick up the butt :asskick:, and stay on plan and remain focused till the end of the year now !

My new mini goal for the end of the year ...

Well this keeps changing lol :D, but I spoke with my C today, and she reckons that if I work hard, I could get my 5 stone back by the end of the year (it still wont be my 5.5st, which I had back in August :rolleyes:, but every little helps I guess). I currently weigh 11st and 11.5lbs. I need to lose 10.5lbs to get to 11st 1lb which will give me my 5 stone award by the end of the year. (Also means I will have 1 stone left to lose in 2015 to get me to target, yay ! :D) So right now I have 8 weigh ins left to lose 10.5lbs. So anything between a 1lb loss or 1.5lb loss each week is good for me :p, when I break it down like that, it certainly sounds achievable, all is not lost for the bunny :).

Now all that's left to do is to stay away from the Christmas aisle :D. I don't know who keeps putting things into my shopping trolley . :giggle:hehe. Hope your all having a smashing week ! :D

Will catch up with you all on Sunday, take care ;).

Kay xx


Well done on u loss!!xx
Hello lovely Kay! Just catching up. First of all, I love your new avatar :D

Sorry to hear about the 2.5lb on, but that is not too bad at all. You know how great your losses can be when you're "in the zone" and it sounds like you are back there now! So it will be gone in no time. I think you've got a very sensible attitude to weight loss and aiming for 1lb a week is great. It's a healthy, sustainable weight loss. And anything more than that is a bonus!! You will do great and get lots of weigh off by the time Christmas is here - we still have 7 weeks to go don't forget :)

Also very pleased to hear that the job is going well. Hopefully you will continue to enjoy it!

Take care and have a great week. Stevie xxx

Hello hun :) I missed you so much. I've been popping in and out of your IG account to see how your getting on :p. So glad your doing 5-2 and CC and getting fab results ;). I've been going through a rough patch myself, I was doing well upto August this year, then it all took a nose dive :rolleyes:, all my own doing. I am just taking things real slow now. I find it hard to stay on plan in the winter, but lets see. Hope your doing well, its great to see you posting on mins again, will pop over to your diary very soon. Have a fab week lovely :hug99:.

Kay xx
Morning Kay :)

I think you're doing the right thing in leaving the gym for a while as you've got a lot on your plate with your new job plus getting back on plan which you will be able to concentrate on more.

You always do fantastically well when you are losing so don't completely rule out the 10s for this year as you just never know but I do think that losing 1lb a week is a good way to be thinking about things, not too much pressure and it will still be going in the right direction!

No more choc now bunny unless it is within syns otherwise there will be some of this going on :asskick: :D

Have a fab week in work hun xx

Oh no :eek:, think I already qualify for a :asskick::(. Had 2 naughty days off plan this week. So much for a 1lb a week, think I need to save myself from me right now :sigh: MR KIPLING is my new best friend, yes he is :rolleyes:. Have you tried his Viennese swirls ? ...don't get me started :giggle:.

I know, isn't it fab? :) Yay, the terrible trio are in one piece again :D

Just been catching up on your diary Kay, well done on the loss lovely and hope you're doing well on the soup challenge.

Good luck for your Christmas goal too. You can do this! xx

Wow thanks for being so positive for me, though I feel I've let everyone down this week, self sabotage and all, don't know why I yoyo like this, one good week then 3 sh1t ones to follow :rolleyes: crazy I know. Great to have Kirsty back :D, loving the terrible trio ! :p

Hello, anybody there lol? Miss you bunny xxx

Yes yes I'm here...the bunny is back ! :D

Hope you've had a fab week hun, I need to catch up on diaries, I'm so so behind. I can tell from the 2015 challenge thread, your doing super ! :p and long may it continue ! :):)

Kay xx
OMG! Kay your working! Im so pleased for you. Wish you all the luck.
Glad to see you sounding so upbeat and relaxed with things. Bet you do really well without pressure. Keep going hun. 'See' you soon. X

Hello Bubs :wavey:, good to see you again :D. Thanks for the lovely wishes, the job is going well thanks ;). Hope your doing well lovely, will pop over to your diary soon for a catch up, hope you've managed to get back on plan and things are working out well for you.

Kay xx
Morning Kay! Glad to hear you're enjoying the job; long may it continue! I agree with your C - you worked so hard to get to where you are, you need to be proud of it, not just wipe it all away. You WILL get to target (maybe just try avoiding the chocolate for now? Hehe :p) and I think taking a break from the gym is a good idea while you're still healing. I'm carrying an injury myself at the moment so I'm going to give it a rest (not that I've been exercising that much...) till after my holiday. Then it will be right back into the swing of things. Hope you have a good week my dear!

Hey Ruby :p, yep decided to keep my history, I may as well, since I'm wont be breaking any new records, anytime soon :rolleyes:. Yep also not going gym, turning into a right couch potato over winter :sigh:, think I need a kick up the bum lol. Hope your doing well hun, will pop over to your diary soon to catch up. Have a fab week ! :D

Kay xx
Oh Kay, what are you like? Send that Mr Kipling packing, he won't be doing you any favours whatsoever! Not like me, been a perfect angel.... oh wait a minute, there was a midweek blip with flapjack and rocky road bar, then yesterday a planned excursion that included potato salad, coleslaw and TRIFLE! Hmm, just don't send Mr Kipling near me please!
Hope you can rein yourself back in lovely, and still get a small loss this week. Take care bunny, we do miss you on here but understand lack of time! xx
Midweek and hope your working days are going well hun. Look forward to seeing you at the weekend if you get time xx

The weeks are flying by L :superwoman: at super sonic speed ! :eek::D

Very achievable, especially when the Bunny gets all fired up and sticks to plan, like when you do the challenges. I have great faith in you getting to your Christmas mini target and beyond.
Just keep away from the choccy and biscuits! Oh and crisps! lol xx

On no L, haven't mastered the `keeping away' part yet, the bunny suffers from `selective hearing ' when it comes to food :D, didn't I tell ya ? :giggle:I swear its like all the junk food in the aisles have springs on them and they jump into my trolley :eek:. Like today for example @ Asda, MR KIPLING was calling me, I didn't call him, promise ;).

Happy Weekend Kay, hope you've had another good week at work and an even better weekend xx

Work went quick L and so did the naughty food in my tum, its almost like I gobble it down so quickly so there's no evidence left :D, stupid logic I know, but in bunnyland that's smart thinking :p hehe. I'll hoover all the crumbs too. Yes I'm a secret eater :rolleyes: (sometimes).

Missed you loads, hope you've had a fab week hun ! :):)

Kay xx
Hey bunny, sorry about your gain but I know you'll have that off in no time!
Don't write off being in the 10's at Christmas altogether, we have weeks to go yet and you could still do it!! I believe you can :)
Happy to hear you're enjoying work too :)

Hope you have a fabulous week xxx

Hello hun :), good to see ya ! Thanks for your positive post, although I think I will be lucky to see the 11's let alone the 10's the way I've been carrying on at the mo :rolleyes:. Hope you've had a fab week on plan. Look forward to catching up on your diary real soon. Take care :hug99:. (ps. love your avatar :p)

Kay xx
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Glad you're enjoying your job :)
2.5 lbs gain isn't too bad :)
May have to try this 'soup' challenge myself at some point, as long as i can find a soup or 3 i like :D

Hello hun, so good to see you on here :p. Your doing amazing on the 2015 challenge, hope your daughter is doing well too. It's great when you have someone to do the plan with for motivation :). Would love for you to send some of your slimming vibes here, the bunny could so do with them :D. Thanks for your lovely wishes although I feel I am letting a lot of people down. Hope to get my mojo back real soon. Hope you have a fab week ahead lovely ;).

Kay xx
I might have done that - in fact last Christmas I ordered online from Hotel Chocolat. Had to get a few extras (to get free postage not just cause I'm greedy) then ended up eating those & some of the gifts. Ended up going to shop and leaving the gifts in my car until nearer the day :eek:.

That's a lovely story and the bunny thinks you are a fab friend for making her feel better about her own guilt :D although I can't believe the word Shelley and Chocolate will ever be found in the same sentence with a stonking 16.5lb loss since October !! :eek::eek::eek:

...:worthy::worthy::worthy: bows down to the queen :queen: :D:D:D

...congrats on your 7 stone Shelley, your flippin AMAZING !!! Love ya ! :hug99:

Kay xx
Just popped in to see how it went ,
And you've done fab , yayyyyyyyyyyy
So happy for you ,

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Well done on your loss!
Your goal def sounds achievable

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Well done on your loss - glad you've gone back to class - your c will keep her eye on you and of course everyone here!

Well done on the loss Kay - I hope the job is going well xx

Well done on u loss!!xx

Thanks everyone :) I was happy with a loss last week, can't say the same about this week, had 2 naughty days off plan :rolleyes:. Hope your all doing well and have had a smashing week, I'm so behind on diaries, need to catch up real soon. Miss you all.

Kay xx
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Just popped in to see how it went ,
And you've done fab , yayyyyyyyyyyy
So happy for you ,

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Happy Weekend Kay, hope you've had another good week at work and an even better weekend xx

Hi sis
Hope your days gone ok ,
Love ya xxxx

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Good evening Kay :)
Hope you're having a fab weekend xx

Hiya sis xxx
Miss ya

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Hi Kay, hope you're having a fab weekend & hope to catch up soon x

Hello, anybody there lol? Miss you bunny xxx

Hello everyone and thanks for your lovely posts. My weeks are going real fast :p, I thought that would mean I am eating less but I seem to get really hungry in the evenings and on the weekends :rolleyes:. Going to try real hard this coming week. Hope your all doing well, miss you all loads :hug99:.

Kay xx
Oh Kay, what are you like? Send that Mr Kipling packing, he won't be doing you any favours whatsoever! Not like me, been a perfect angel.... oh wait a minute, there was a midweek blip with flapjack and rocky road bar, then yesterday a planned excursion that included potato salad, coleslaw and TRIFLE! Hmm, just don't send Mr Kipling near me please!
Hope you can rein yourself back in lovely, and still get a small loss this week. Take care bunny, we do miss you on here but understand lack of time! xx

Aww I miss you all loads too L ;), hope I can catch up on diaries real soon :) xx