Kay's journey to health and happiness

Hello peeps :), just popped on quickly tonight to update the 2015 thread, the bunny is shattered :faint2: but happy that her mins friends are losing loads and loads of weight ! :D I will be back on Sunday for a proper catch up. Hope you all have a smashing weekend and thank you for your lovely posts, I will reply to them all on Sunday promise ;).

It's bye from the flying bunny for now ! :p


Kay xx
Hi kay
Aldi got a talking cookie jar , it says get your hands off the cookies , or something similar can't remember the exact words, lol

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Hello peeps :), just popped on quickly tonight to update the 2015 thread, the bunny is shattered :faint2: but happy that her mins friends are losing loads and loads of weight ! :D I will be back on Sunday for a proper catch up. Hope you all have a smashing weekend and thank you for your lovely posts, I will reply to them all on Sunday promise ;).

It's bye from the flying bunny for now ! :p

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Kay xx

good to hear from u - hope u've been able to stick to the plan at work? Will pop over to the challenge thread now. Hope u'll be relaxing over the weekend x
HI Kay, Just popping in to say hello. Hope to catch up with you later xx

Hello lovely so good to see you back, I hope you are well, I missed you Sue ;). Glad to see you are doing the soup challenge this week, good luck with that :). I have put you down as holiday on the 2015 thread, I noticed you haven't posted for a few weeks. Just pop in there when your ready and I will adjust your target if you want me to. Hope you have a fab week ahead, speak soon lovely.

Kay xx
Thanks, yes it's good having my daughter on board :0, but also doubly hard to keep her & me on the straight and narrow lol

Sending you some ''positive vibes''! ....catch!...now ''focus'' :D x

Hello hun and well done on losing 22.5lbs since October :faint2: :eek: ... what are you on ? :D Your doing smashing Zafira and huge congrats to you and your daughter ! Your an inspiration to many of us ;). If you keep going at this rate, they'll be nothing left of ya soon :p hehe xx
I love love love Mr K's Viennese swirls but bunny you have to syn the bloomin things you can't just shove them in and hope for the best :D

...I heard their ment to be `exceedingly good ' for ya health ! :giggle: hehe, ... what's your comeback on that ? :D:D

Miss you bunny. Hope your week is going well xxx

Aww miss you all too :hug99: .

Evening Kay, hope you have a good weekend! xx

Hello hello trouble :D, hope you've had a fab week too Sam, just checked the 2015 thread, you've only got 5lbs to target, whoop ! :p Well done lovely xx
Popped in to say Hello! See you've been busy updating - thx. How's it been going back to SW and fitting the food around work commitments? Can't remember if you decided to go to a new consultant or just a different day? Hope you're well and happy with whatever you chose! xx
Hi sis xxx

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I believe we'e spoken :p, helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sis ;) xx

Evening Kay well done on the loss I hope your well hun x

Hi Sheila :), hope your doing well hun, I know I get little time on diaries now, but I do make sure to pop in and see Jacksons latest pics :p, he's such a cutie ;), hope your doing well lovely and Andrea and your sister are well too. I know your back on plan and doing great, hope you can pass me some of your positive vibes too, I really need them, not doing the best on plan. Hope you have a lovely week ahead, speak soon xx

Evening - hope you're having a good week. I think of you every time I see the John Lewis ad. Love Monty :D

I'm back to my first love, bunnies :p, but I do love Monty too ;). Hope your well hun, I've missed you Shelley xx

Drops off a big hug, a kiss and a large box of willpower addressed to Miss Bunny. Hope you're having a good week dear Bunny :)

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ! :D:bighug:BACK AT YA ! Hope your well lovely, have missed you loads xx

Popping in to say hello :) hope you're having a nice working week Kay. Catch you Sunday x

Hello hun, hope your well and Max is well now. I know I'm so behind on diaries, sorry for that, I hope your doing well on plan and have a great week ahead. Give big cuddles to King Arthur from me ;) xx

Just popping in to say hi Kay and hoping to catch up with you soon!

Hey Ruby, hope your doing well hun, hope you have a smashing week ahead ! :p xx

Hi kay
Aldi got a talking cookie jar , it says get your hands off the cookies , or something similar can't remember the exact words, lol

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Yes yes I need it :D xx

Might have to get one of those!

Me too :p xx

HI Kay, Just popping in to say hello. Hope to catch up with you later xx

Great to see you back Sue, have missed you so much. I miss Helen (Hel8) too, don't know if anyone has heard from her, I pmd her too :( xx

Morning but I hope YOU aren't awake yet and can enjoy a lie in. Have a great relaxing weekend, it seems like you've been working for ages already! Xx

Nearly a month now L :eek:, time is going too fast for the bunny, I feel I have to rush my weekends :rolleyes:, anyway when payday comes, can't complain :p. Hope your doing well hun xx

good to hear from u - hope u've been able to stick to the plan at work? Will pop over to the challenge thread now. Hope u'll be relaxing over the weekend x

Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! :D Hope your well hun, I'm no doing too bad but could be better foodwise. Hope you have a smashing week ahead ! :p xx
I believe we'e spoken :p, helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sis ;) xx

Hi Sheila :), hope your doing well hun, I know I get little time on diaries now, but I do make sure to pop in and see Jacksons latest pics :p, he's such a cutie ;), hope your doing well lovely and Andrea and your sister are well too. I know your back on plan and doing great, hope you can pass me some of your positive vibes too, I really need them, not doing the best on plan. Hope you have a lovely week ahead, speak soon xx

I'm back to my first love, bunnies :p, but I do love Monty too ;). Hope your well hun, I've missed you Shelley xx

LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ! :D:bighug:BACK AT YA ! Hope your well lovely, have missed you loads xx

Hello hun, hope your well and Max is well now. I know I'm so behind on diaries, sorry for that, I hope your doing well on plan and have a great week ahead. Give big cuddles to King Arthur from me ;) xx

Hey Ruby, hope your doing well hun, hope you have a smashing week ahead ! :p xx

Yes yes I need it :D xx

Me too :p xx

Great to see you back Sue, have missed you so much. I miss Helen (Hel8) too, don't know if anyone has heard from her, I pmd her too :( xx

Nearly a month now L :eek:, time is going too fast for the bunny, I feel I have to rush my weekends :rolleyes:, anyway when payday comes, can't complain :p. Hope your doing well hun xx

Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! :D Hope your well hun, I'm no doing too bad but could be better foodwise. Hope you have a smashing week ahead ! :p xx

Thx - good to read your posts - let's hope we all have smashing weeks eh? :rolleyes:
Hello everyone :wavey:,

Another flying visit from me as I am off out now to see my Aunt. I hope your all well and have had a smashing week. Well I will cut to the chase and talk about how the plan is going, not too well I'm afraid :rolleyes:. I remember saying I wanted to aim for my 5.5 stone award by the end of the year, I then changed that to 5 stone, I've now back tracked and said 4.5 stone :confused: terrible I know, that means all I need to lose is another 3lbs by the end of the year, hardly a target to aim for I know, but I am struggling. I have a horrible feeling that I will maintain right up to spring next year. I go into hibernation over winter :hide: . Anyway I lost 0.5 lb at group and I feel its pretty much gonna be like this till the end of the year, so maybe I will manage another 3lbs then I will end the year on 4.5 stones.

That means next year I will have 1.5 stone left to target. I think Jan and Feb I will do crap too, its ment to be really cold. Maybe in March the bunny will get her skates back on :rolleyes:, oh well we live in hope !

I've missed you all loads, your all smashing it out there with your losses and I'm so happy for all of you. Hope you all have a brill week ahead, take care everyone and speak soon ;).

Hugs Kay xx

Not if you eat a whole box :p Which is necessary if you eat one cos they're so moreish :D

Nice to see you to see you nice Bunny hehe! xx

...no no I protest, it doesn't say any such thing on the box, not to eat more than one, or `proceed with caution ' :p ah ignorance is bliss ;)

...you trying to say I'm as old as Brucie ? :D xx
Hello everyone :wavey:,

Another flying visit from me as I am off out now to see my Aunt. I hope your all well and have had a smashing week. Well I will cut to the chase and talk about how the plan is going, not too well I'm afraid :rolleyes:. I remember saying I wanted to aim for my 5.5 stone award by the end of the year, I then changed that to 5 stone, I've now back tracked and said 4.5 stone :confused: terrible I know, that means all I need to lose is another 3lbs by the end of the year, hardly a target to aim for I know, but I am struggling. I have a horrible feeling that I will maintain right up to spring next year. I go into hibernation over winter :hide: . Anyway I lost 0.5 lb at group and I feel its pretty much gonna be like this till the end of the year, so maybe I will manage another 3lbs then I will end the year on 4.5 stones.

That means next year I will have 1.5 stone left to target. I think Jan and Feb I will do crap too, its ment to be really cold. Maybe in March the bunny will get her skates back on :rolleyes:, oh well we live in hope !

I've missed you all loads, your all smashing it out there with your losses and I'm so happy for all of you. Hope you all have a brill week ahead, take care everyone and speak soon ;).

Hugs Kay xx


Hey - as you'd say to us a half pound is half off and they all add up - in fact the other Linda and I have been having a few half pound losses lately but over the weeks the total number has been satisfactorily going up!!

I realise it's much tougher now you're working and still caring for your Aunt - but may I recommend some of the soups on the soup challenge thread - a great Minis friend set that up! (Like me you don't sound in the frame of mind for a challenge yet but the soups are tasty and filling and as you know some can be rustled up pretty quickly and frozen!)

Hope you're able to keep on with your SW class and posting here - and those half pounds will soon grow into half a stone!!xxx:girlpower: