Kay's journey to health and happiness

Greetings everyone ! :D x

Hope your all doing well. My weeks are flying by with work, its going well. Diet wise not so well, I've had a few wobbles this week :(. I need to get my mojo back real quick. I can't seem to put my finger on it, but I have no idea where this `couldn't care less ' bunny has come from :eek:. Anyway new week fresh start, I hope I manage to stay on plan. I've had a brief look at your diaries and the challenge thread for 2015, your all doing so well :D and I'm so happy for all my mins friends. I'm sorry I'm so behind on diaries at the mo but will try my best to catch up in the week ;). (Its hard sometimes whilst I have the challenge threads to manage also). I hope you are doing well and hope to speak to you all soon. Have a fab week everyone ! :):)

Hugs Kay xx


PS. I'm changing my avatar again :D, for the first time its won't be a bunny, yes you heard right :p, I'm contemplating between Neal, the Sofaworks Sloth, whom I feel like right now lol (those of you that watch gogglebox will know him :p) here he is ...


...but then I had to give in and go for Monty the penguin :D, got to love John Lewis's Christmas ads, they make me cry every year, love love love them ! :)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iccscUFY860 Link to ad :D.

Kay xx
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Right think I've caught up on posts now, time for an update ... :D xx

Gosh u must be bent double with all ur lovely posts - just watch ur back!

Lovely to hear all ur news - yes winter's not the best time to diet is it but then again we both fell off the wagon in August!! And for me Spring and Autumn aren't plain sailing either!!

Bet 99% of our Minis friends have eaten choccy intended for gifts - certainly I've been guilty of that - again thro'out the seasons - Easter, Chrimbo, Mother's Day, Father's Day and let's not forget numerous birthdays!

But ur back at class and WILL be lighter for Christmas! Have a good week xx
Greetings everyone ! :D x

Hope your all doing well. My weeks are flying by with work, its going well. Diet wise not so well, I've had a few wobbles this week :(. I need to get my mojo back real quick. I can't seem to put my finger on it, but I have no idea where this `couldn't care less ' bunny has come from :eek:. Anyway new week fresh start, I hope I manage to stay on plan. I've had a brief look at your diaries and the challenge thread for 2015, your all doing so well :D and I'm so happy for all my mins friends. I'm sorry I'm so behind on diaries at the mo but will try my best to catch up in the week ;). (Its hard sometimes whilst I have the challenge threads to manage also). I hope you are doing well and hope to speak soon. Have a fab week everyone ! :):)

Hugs Kay xx


PS. I'm changing my avatar again :D, for the first time its won't be a bunny, yes you heard right :p, I'm contemplating between Neal, the Sofaworks Sloth, whom I feel like right now lol (those of you that watch gogglebox will know him :p) here he is ...

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...but then I had to give in and go for Monty the penguin :D, got to love John Lewis's Christmas ads, they make me cry every year, love love love them ! :)

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iccscUFY860 Link to ad :D.

Kay xx

Fingers crossed for you this week Kay, make sure you plan IN your snacks, so maybe you won't feel you're going without and binge on whole boxes of those naughty Mr Kiplings cakes!
Love Neal but also Monty, that ad is brilliant, makes me laugh and nearly cry at the same time! So clever, whoever dreams them up. I'm a big penguin fan, so Monty gets my vote :)
MR KIPLING is my new best friend, yes he is :rolleyes:. Have you tried his Viennese swirls ? ...don't get me started :giggle:

Nooo step away from the swirls (although they are deliciously crumbly and scrummy!!)

Hmm, just don't send Mr Kipling near me please!

Or me :eek:

That's a lovely story and the bunny thinks you are a fab friend for making her feel better about her own guilt :D although I can't believe the word Shelley and Chocolate will ever be found in the same sentence

I'm currently attempting a separation from my beloved chocolate :8855:I was very tempted when a lovely Hotel Chocolat Christmas catalogue with money off voucher arrived :eek: :eek: :eek:

My weeks are flying by with work, its going well. Diet wise not so well, I've had a few wobbles this week :(. I need to get my mojo back real quick. I can't seem to put my finger on it, but I have no idea where this `couldn't care less ' bunny has come from :eek:. Anyway new week fresh start, I hope I manage to stay on plan....Have a fab week everyone ! :):)
Good luck to you & I know you can smash it and have a really fab week xx

..but then I had to give in and go for Monty the penguin :D, got to love John Lewis's Christmas ads, they make me cry every year, love love love them ! :)

I love Monty - great choice!
Nooo step away from the swirls (although they are deliciously crumbly and scrummy!!)

Or me :eek:

I'm currently attempting a separation from my beloved chocolate :8855:I was very tempted when a lovely Hotel Chocolat Christmas catalogue with money off voucher arrived :eek: :eek: :eek:

Good luck to you & I know you can smash it and have a really fab week xx

I love Monty - great choice!

I missed u lots, wish you had a diary Shelley ;), I will pm you hun when your not online, so we can stay in touch as well as on my diary :D xx
Think I've caught up on diaries now ;). Going to sign off and have an early night. Till next weekend, have a fab week everyone ! :D Night night.

Kay xx

untitled10.pngZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ! xx
Hello hun, so good to see you on here :p. Your doing amazing on the 2015 challenge, hope your daughter is doing well too. It's great when you have someone to do the plan with for motivation :). Would love for you to send some of your slimming vibes here, the bunny could so do with them :D. Thanks for your lovely wishes although I feel I am letting a lot of people down. Hope to get my mojo back real soon. Hope you have a fab week ahead lovely ;).

Kay xx

Thanks, yes it's good having my daughter on board :0, but also doubly hard to keep her & me on the straight and narrow lol

Sending you some ''positive vibes''! ....catch!...now ''focus'' :D x
Oh no :eek:, think I already qualify for a :asskick::(. Had 2 naughty days off plan this week. So much for a 1lb a week, think I need to save myself from me right now :sigh: MR KIPLING is my new best friend, yes he is :rolleyes:. Have you tried his Viennese swirls ? ...don't get me started :giggle:.

Wow thanks for being so positive for me, though I feel I've let everyone down this week, self sabotage and all, don't know why I yoyo like this, one good week then 3 sh1t ones to follow :rolleyes: crazy I know. Great to have Kirsty back :D, loving the terrible trio ! :p

Yes yes I'm here...the bunny is back ! :D

Hope you've had a fab week hun, I need to catch up on diaries, I'm so so behind. I can tell from the 2015 challenge thread, your doing super ! :p and long may it continue ! :):)

Kay xx

Mmm, I not sure whether to give you a :asskick:or a :bighug:

Think you can have both plus some of these :vibes:

I love love love Mr K's Viennese swirls but bunny you have to syn the bloomin things you can't just shove them in and hope for the best :D

You are not letting us down at all! We do however, want to see you on plan and getting fab losses cos that makes you a happy bunny and not a sad one. We no like the bunny to be sad :(

I have my determined head on at the mo (thankfully) so I WILL be 100% on plan this week! You gonna join me? If that's not a challenge I don't know what is :p:D

Have a good week lovely :) xxx
Just popping in to say hi Kay and hoping to catch up with you soon!

Aww thanks hun, I love all animals and the cat is well cute :D thank you, its very sweet. Do you have a bunny pic ? :D My mins friends will tell you about my love for bunnies :p:p :bunnydance::bunnydance: BUNNIES ROCK !!

Kay xx