Kay's journey to health and happiness

Morning Kay - hope ur feeling better? Hope u have a good day!

Thanks Upd :p feeling much better this morning thanks hun, hope you have a smashing Saturday too :) !

Kay xx
Hello Kay :) how are you? I'm certainly hoping the TOTM Fairy isn't beating you, she can be a right bi&tch when she wants to be.

I'm pretty impressed that your not stepping on the scales as you said on Textys thread it can put you in a mood so good on you. Any plans for the day? Are you going to go to the gym? Sometimes I find a little exercise eases my cramps, and if you've a nice pool / steam room you can have a nice relax afterwards.
I'm feeling pretty positive today, I've had breakfast in bed (tiny it was), dropped Brett off as I need the car for work, and did my exercise DVD 55 mins, it was so blooming hard too but my pedometer said I burned 305 calories afterwards so I'm very pleased with myself. Just wish I didn't have to go into work tonight but, its my career choice I should stop moaning.

Any nice meals planned today? Any more thoughts on your vibrating thingy majig! :)
Hello Kay :) how are you? I'm certainly hoping the TOTM Fairy isn't beating you, she can be a right bi&tch when she wants to be.

I'm pretty impressed that your not stepping on the scales as you said on Textys thread it can put you in a mood so good on you. Any plans for the day? Are you going to go to the gym? Sometimes I find a little exercise eases my cramps, and if you've a nice pool / steam room you can have a nice relax afterwards.
I'm feeling pretty positive today, I've had breakfast in bed (tiny it was), dropped Brett off as I need the car for work, and did my exercise DVD 55 mins, it was so blooming hard too but my pedometer said I burned 305 calories afterwards so I'm very pleased with myself. Just wish I didn't have to go into work tonight but, its my career choice I should stop moaning.

Any nice meals planned today? Any more thoughts on your vibrating thingy majig! :)

Thanks Cookie :), nope not stepped on the scales yet, still resisting :p . I've decided not to go for the vibration plate machine, for the money I'm going to pay for it, I can get a better result at the gym for paying less . May use that money to buy a new Actifry though :D . I'm hoping to resume gym after Tuesdays weigh in but I'm worried that when I start my losses may slow down, because that is what happens initially when you restart exercise after a long gap. The benefits of exercise far outweigh not doing it at all, I do want to tone up so probably will end up going next week. I just hope it doesn't slow down my weightloss too much.

I had a nice hot bath with aromatherapy oils this afternoon, that really helped make my cramps disappear :) . Went down to the kitchen after and made some chilli con carne for dinner (with quorn mince) going to have that later with rice and salad.

Well done on doing the exercise dvd and burning 305 cals, that's brill ! You sound like your mixing things up a bit this week Cookie, I have a feeling this is going to work for you. Been looking at your food pics today too, so yummy and healthy. Really hope with all the hard work your putting in that you have a fab loss this week hun. :)

Kay xx
Evening Kay :)

Hello hello :). Loving the pic of Alfie, I think he wants to solve the mystery `who's the woman in black ? ' hehe :D
Todays Eats


Breakfast -
x1 Quorn Bacon Slice- 1 syn
Egg - free
Salad - free
1 tbsp. Ex L Mayo 1 syn

Snack -
x1 apple with muller ff custard - free

Lunch -
Stuffed Peppers with chilli and cheese (hea) - free


Dinner -
Quorn Chilli Con Carne with Salad and Olives 1 syn

IMG_0772.jpg IMG_0749.jpg

Dessert -


x1 Activia 0% fat raspberry yogurt - free
summer fruits - free
meringue nest - 2.5 syns

Drinks -
x2 Detox Tea
x1 Irish Cream Coffee with skimmed milk (hea)
Robinsons nas squash
1L of Water

TOTAL SYNS = 5.5 :)
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Glad ur feeling a little better. Food looks really nice today xx

Thanks Cookie :), really enjoyed my food today. I have only one problem at the mo, the pf has not visited me all day today :rolleyes: I have some prune juice but Kathryn has told me its 3-4 syns for 100ml only, that's just a drop, I need at least 400ml :( . Don't know if 100ml will make any difference . Hope the pf visits me in the morning. How has your day been Cookie ?

Kay xx
Todays Eats


Breakfast -
x1 Quorn Bacon Slice- 1 syn
Egg - free
Salad - free
1 tbsp. Ex L Mayo 1 syn

Snack -
x1 apple with muller ff custard - free

Lunch -
Stuffed Peppers with chilli and cheese (hea) - free

View attachment 126135

Dinner -
Quorn Chilli Con Carne with Salad and Olives 1 syn

View attachment 126131 View attachment 126132

Dessert -

View attachment 126130

x1 Activia 0% fat raspberry yogurt - free
summer fruits - free
meringue nest - 2.5 syns

Drinks -
x2 Detox Tea
x1 Irish Cream Coffee with skimmed milk (hea)
Robinsons nas squash
1L of Water

TOTAL SYNS = 5.5 :)

Food looks smashing and lots of fibre too!
Food looks smashing and lots of fibre too!

Thanks Upd :), you'd think with all that fibre the pf would have visited me but no :( .
looks lovely kay!x
looks lovely kay!x

Thanks Jess, the chilli recipe is from the SW website. It was yummy and I feel full and the syns have not been too bad either today. I find when I don't cook then I end up going for snacks which take up my syns but I'm still left feeling hungry. I used to have mugshots which I know some are free but I stopped them because they used to make me more hungry. I don't know if I'm the only one that feels that way about them. I have noticed, when I cook a proper SW meal then I don't feel the need to snack too much, my tummy is quite satisfied and I stay full for longer :) .

Kay xx
Thanks Jess, the chilli recipe is from the SW website. It was yummy and I feel full and the syns have not been too bad either today. I find when I don't cook then I end up going for snacks which take up my syns but I'm still left feeling hungry. I used to have mugshots which I know some are free but I stopped them because they used to make me more hungry. I don't know if I'm the only one that feels that way about them. I have noticed, when I cook a proper SW meal then I don't feel the need to snack too much, my tummy is quite satisfied and I stay full for longer :) .

Kay xx

oh yes so agree. I plan my meals as i helps stay on track. Plus is i use snackable/syns im always starving pretty soon after, but already used syns so cant win! lol x
I've got my fingers crossed for the pf.... I had trouble going the other day, so unlike me, I felt awful, so can totally sympathise with you on that one!

Try drinking a couple of glasses of water before bed to flush things through xx
I've got my fingers crossed for the pf.... I had trouble going the other day, so unlike me, I felt awful, so can totally sympathise with you on that one!

Try drinking a couple of glasses of water before bed to flush things through xx

Thanks Kathryn, sorry for the TMI, but if I drink late in the evening then my sleep gets disturbed by always having to get up and go loo. To make matters worse my bladder is well sensitive to caffine, it always makes me wonna go and I love my coffee :rolleyes: . I try to limit it to 1 cup a day but even with water I have to limit it to the early part of the day or I will be up all night. But even then I am drinking but still no sign of the pf, she has gone on strike :(.