week 11
day 4
thanks all who have posted
MD we will definetly have to meet for a coffee
been buisy the last few days
had lots more comments over the weekend and was even whistled at
Weyhey!!! I found at first I felt a bit embarrassed by peoples comments and sort of played things down a bit. Now I love it
and take great pride in telling them about CD.
i`m still a long way from goal but just that few stones off has changed me mentally
i have more confidence now, i take more care of myself and i take time to pamper myself
I used to be ready in 5 minutes, now I take nearly as long as my teenage daughter
I've spent loads on lotions and potions to tone up my saggy skin etc. not sure any work though, when I clench my bum it looks like that of an 80 year old:ashamed0005:
But I really agree with you, I have got a lot more confidence in myself and I think with the newfelt confidence comes true inner peace too.
before it was looking after the kids,hubby,house and everything else
i still do this but i make sure i fit a bit of me time in
i now wear make up most days, just a little but enough to make me feel good.
my hair always looks glossy now and i use moisturisers every day which again i never did before
in all i feel great, i so respect myself now and through these feelings i am noticing others are more friendly as they can approach me now without me looking depressed and haggard
You're doing so well Kaz. I'm so pleased that you're feeling so happy and content. I hope more newbies read your diary, it's so upbeat and honest, you're a credit to minimins
to anyone who is starting ss dont ever think of the whole amount you got to lose, just take it a week at a time as i have
i still got 7 stones to go but boy do i feel buzzed losing 3