week 10
day 6
thanks jane
i dont think i`ll ever get a low feeling anymore i am riding high on ss
strange how weight can affect your whole feeling
just wish i`d done it sooner
but saying that i wasn`t ready before
now i`m a women on a mission and i wont stop till i get to the end
i keep singing that queen song
"Dont stop me now i`m having such a good time,i`m having a ball"
How weird is that! I used to (hopefully will again in a few days0 have 2 queen songs in my head. That one & the one about thinking he's going mad.
well that`s how i feel on ss
i do get rough days, you know tired,headachey and blurghhh but i know it passes and ss will make me the women i want to get to
i saw a dress in next it is gorgeous they go up to a size 18 but i wont get in there size 18`s yet i want to get it in a 14
deciding whether to go get a 14 and save it for my goal or leave it and see whats about when i`m slim
I'd be inclined to leave it incase there's something even nicer when you really are a 14.
I mean it's not as if you need the motivation at present is it? What with the photos,the energy & freddie mercury inside your head.
once home it`ll be the usual homework, make the dinner, wash up, bath gemma, have a shower, then telly or a book
i might drag my gut buster out from the cupboard
if you hear on the news little fat women gets tied up in exercise eqp and is currently being manhandled by 3 fireman you knows its me
god i wish :giggle:
Thought so! this is one of your daydreams isn't it!
kaz xxx