hello everyone
hope you are all well
at a friends house so took the opportunity to use his pc

well my internet is still off and will be for as further 4 weeks or so
was on my aamw weeks last week and well lets just say i lost the plot bigt time and ate carbs :whoopass:
i really did feel like giving in, after 17 weeks i thought i couldn`t do it any more
i dont know if it was because i couldn`t get on here or just me being stupid but i really had had enough of cd
thursday was the start of a new week so i pulled myself together kicked myself up the bum and am now back on cd with a vengance
feeling really rough just like before so i know ketosis is soon back again
i`m determined to see this journey through
one good point i didn`t gain any lbs on my week off i stayed the same so not to much harm done
i am missing you all
thank god judy rings me she has really helped me through these last few days and kept me strong
last night i felt them little voices telling me to make toast but judy was there to help beat them voices away
not much else has happend really just plodding on with usual everyday tasks
i hope you are doing well and i will catch up with your diaries once i`m back on line
keep up the good work everyone