kaz`s diary

Glad to see a post from you Kaz , i was thinking where has she gone , i guess you've been a bit down with going to sort these things out , Tags and mole , well best to be safe with the mole . By march hey roll on March for the new you Kaz !
morning kaz, day 1 for me today and im rearing to go!
we have been like partners in crime lately, we either help each other or binge together but no-more this is the new us now and we our meet to look forward to! we dont wanna look like two weebles do we? lol
have a good day im out today so will ring u tonight off to have my shake now xx
week 20
day 3

hi all
i have really been neglecting my diary
right 1st had weigh in thursday morning
2lb gain wasn`t to upset due to eating week before and auntie flows this week
i do feel emnormous very bloaty and feel like i wobble everywhere
had an episode at the bus stop yesterday
drop daughter of at playschool and then catch the bus to town most days
yesterday the usual old biddies were all waiting to get on and the usual good mornings were said as normal
then the is old fella i`d say he is about 60ish asks where i`m going to?
the bank i reply
oh i`m going to the gym, he has his sports bag by his legs
cool me thinks so we start talking about exercise and i say how i`m thinking of joining a gym now i`ve lost some weight
" dont think you would suit where i go" he says
and why is that i ask smiling
" well the exercise bikes are set so close together i have to squeeze through to get on them so you aint going to manage it are you"
my immediate thoughts were BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:

well in that case i best find a gym for fatties then and glared at him
he then says nought wrong with big girls i prefer them myself and while saying this he is learing at my chest

well i have lost weight and am continuing to do so so hopefully if i can find a gym for fatties i`ll soon be slimmer

with this i got on the bus raging
arsehole arsehole arsehole :mad:

wanted to punch him one

for any effort i do there is always someone to knock me back and they are normally strangers aswell which insults me more as they dont know my struggles

on a lighter note my neighbour came over last night and asked me if i still wanted to go to the gym with her
yes i said and am now very determined to show this weasley little perv that i can get slim and fit

anger is a blessing sometimes cos it has kept me focused and i will get the rest of this lard off

my plans today are post office then town then visiting friends then home and blitzing my house
keeping buisy has always been the key
and when they are all fed and waterd tonight i will come on here and play in the arcade

have a good day all

kaz xxxx
Stupid old fart - i could punch him for you. WHat gives people the right to think they can say horrible things to people and get away with it. How insensitive and tactless. GRRRRRR

Glad the anger has spurred you on - you have done amazingly well to get back onto SSing after eating. I think that is such an a achievement and really admire you.

Keep it up and i bet you'll have an ace result on the scales. :)
morning kaz! good to see you here!
i have to commend you for not causing a proper scene at the bus stop. i dont know if i wouldve managed to bite my tongue! what a biaatch, that man!

its all good though. you can keep working on your weight & changing how you look, while he will probably never be able to change his awful personality!

take care hun! stick with it...and no worries about the 2lb gain...you'll have a great loss next week!
cheeky old tosspot - you should have told him to p!ss off...

still, in a strange way, sometimes these things spur us into action so now you can go to the gym with your neighbour and put that determination to good use.

Ive got my fingers crossed for a good loss for you this week Kaz to kick start you again. You so deserve to be slim and if you can be 100% this week, drink loads of water and be as active as possible you can have a really good WI result.

Your still an inspiration to me Kaz so keep up the great work.
week 20
day 4

morning all
well hubby is cooking bacon sarnies and i am sat on here using all my willpower not to have one aswell
also fancying toast and marmite
funny how somedays i can not be botherd by any food then all of a sudden i want the contents of the fridge

doesn`t help that it`s auntie flow week
i`ll be o.k in an hour just have to keep buisy and stay focused

got buisy day planned loads to do so no reason not to stay focused and suceed:D
if all else fails i`ll sit on here all day

have a great sunday all
off to shower and then housework

kaz :D
Hello Kaz
Week 20 already , you've come along way , have you thought about how much you could loses by Xmas , maybe set that your task when thinking of bacon sarnies , yes my son does alot of them , he cuts off all the fat , which me i love the fat on to go crispie , hey now lets get back to thinking good , hey i'm really trying to talk you into eating one there ... now that was not the idea lol
Dear Karen,
I have been reading yours and other people posts for the past few days, getting so much inspiration and enthusiasm from you all. I will be starting CD hopefully sometime this week and know that with encouragement that everyone gives here at this site, I WILL BE THIN!

Hope that you can have a wonderful Sunday. Keeping busy and looking at all of the amazing before and after pictures will surely get you through the day!
week 20
day 5

hi all
well after my battle with bacon sarnies yesterday i then went on to make all the boys a sarnie and not once did i pick:D

all day i kept myself buisy and feeling so pleased with myself
today so far i have made packed lunches
took the kids to school
power walked home i`m getting pretty fast at that now
and am now sat with my choc shake and a black coffee:coffee:

feeling positive, motivated hell i can kick this remaining lard off in no time :D

got a few big big stresses but it is not making me want food it is making me even more determined to succeed

i think the old fighting kaz is finally bag for good :D
want lose that 3 stones by xmas so must stay focused :character00115:

for anyone who has really struggled dont let it put you off
i had a real hard 2 to 3 weeks resulting in me gaining last week but i can honestly say you will get back into the zone and carry on
dont ever let a blip put you off this diet will work
i never ever thought i would cheat,nibble what ever you want to call it but i did and yes i felt a failure and was ready to think sod it
i dont lose as quick as some either but any loss is good
when the scales show very little movement you got to look at othe rthings aswell

this diet has improved my hair my skin and my all over energy
so when ya see no losses take a look at yourself and see what else cd is doing for you

we can all do this and we will all succeed

kaz :gen126:
fab post Kaz. You are so right about looking at what else CD does for us - not just weight loss but overall wellbeing. You are doing fab mate and sound as if you have got that fighting spirit back. Im hoping for a great loss for you this week after a couple of rough weeks. Is wednesday still your WI day?
no thursday mornings now at 10.30
easier for me as was finding it difficult some weeks to get to my cdc

have to say i got a brill cdc she really trys her best to work round me

now thats the Kaz we know & luv!!!
"welcome back"
its ooooh so good to hear that you are ready to keep taking on the "worl (of dieting)"!
week 21
day 1

just got weighed
and i have lost 6lb :talk017:

well chuffed
off to change me ticker
happy happy happy :D

kaz xx
wooooowww!!! kaz, thats fab! 6lbs is amazing! woot woot!!! its oh so good to see that ticker of yours moving further to the end!!