Hi girls, i could seriously cry. Only 1.5lb. I was so sure i'd lost more!
My little boy is away this week so the anxiety is making me want to stuff my face or get really really drunk! Couple that with my lowest loss yet and it's not good. If i can get through this week i am laughing :cry:.
I'm finding the pharmacy really unhelpful and if this was my first time round of doing LT i'd be snookered. The only thing she said last week was ' oooo aren't you missing cups of tea?' and this week a different woman just weighed me and shut the file, didn't tell me my loss and when i asked she said it was only 1.5lb and to just give it another week! I told her i was doing it til i went on hol and she just shrugged her shoulders and asked me what flavours i wanted. No suggestions of what could be wrong or even asking me if i've eaten etc.
Any way, never mind. Moan over.
Got my next week supply and pray for a better loss next week.x
Keep going everyone.