Well I managed to get through the day, finished early actually. Worked my little socks off! Going out with a couple of the girlies later to the village pub, gonna have a few drinkies! Really looking forward to it, me and my partner don't drink. He's t-total as he doesn't have a very good relationship with drink and the condition of us staying together and having a future was that the drink went for good! He's been dry about 2 years now. So I feel very guilty when I do go out, but it's only 3 maybe 4 times a year and I don't go silly. And I just have to remind myself, it's not me that has a problem. Still, it makes our social life hard work sometimes!
I had a spicy tomato soup for dinner today and some snack a jacks. I can't believe I am saying this, but I WANT to go back on CD. I am fed up with cheating and bingeing and the crappy pathetic losses. I see how you guys are all going along and I am jealous!
It's hard, I know it is. I only managed 4 weeks and I blipped so many times in those 4 weeks it was crazy. But I did a stone in 4 weeks and that's pretty amazing I reckon?!
I have 3 weeks until I go to Manchester for OH's family do. When I originally went onto CD I was hoping by then I would have lost 3 stone. I'm still only 1 stone down, I reckon if I stuck to CD absolutely 100% then in 3 weeks I could drop another stone. I've had a think about the money side of it and I bring home £45-£55 a week for the chalet cleaning and that will pay for CD. I've got to be honest the extra money has been coming in very handy and after watching every penny for so long it's been nice to be able to buy the odd piece of clothing, have my hair done or flowers for the garden or a new wok and steamer. But I really would give everything to be slim!
I could book an appointment with my CDC on Monday. I have enough shakes to get started tomorrow, but I need to be completely 100% totally dedicated to this! My worry is that I know I can lose on CD while still cheating, so I need to go back to the way I felt on day 1 when I was too scared to use mouthwash cause it wasn't an alcohol free one! lmao!
We'll see. I've got steak for tea tonight and going out with the girls, so at the minute I am thinking of it as my last supper!
Got me some serious thinking to do!