Kez's struggles and troubles! 17th June Restart!

Yes, me too, lol. I had my birthday night yesterday, and in the morning looked like I'd lost 5lb, but this morn its 4.5lb.. so gonna have syn free day today to try for that half a pound to give me 5 tomorrow. .. I love the food and fruit, but know I'll hit that wall and want to change over to CD again. So i have given myself til end of May on SW to see how I go.. Might end up back at CD too. x
I know that I will get fed up of the slow losses and will want to do a stint back on CD, but will probably then break off again and back to SW as my will power isn't the greatest. I don't mind as long as the weight is coming off!

Got another 8 weeks on SW and I am aiming for at least a stone off! Will not except anything less, but hopefully it will be at least half a stone more than that.
I'm sure you'll do it Kez, keep up with your exercise and be focussed and that will be off for sure. I get bored quick too, so I probably will bounce back and fourth for a few months.. but as you say, as long as you are loosing, we're good with it and thats all that counts.. xx
I'm off to WI just now, fingers crossed. If I haven't lost much weight this week I'll be okay because I know I've definitely lost inches all my clothes are feeling too big now, so at least thats something. I'll pop back on later and let you know... Good luck with yours xxx
Pah I'm not impressed I STS this week, it's not my TOTM, I haven't done anything different. I expected to at least lose a lb or 2 but nothing??? Do I have to live off dust these days in order to lose weight?? Sorry to rant, I hope your WI went better than mine hun. xx
Hmmm....not much better. 1lb off...I'm gutted! I def should have had at least 2lbs...never mind. Onwards and downwards.
Popped into Tesco today and spotted a really nice pair of wide leg pinstripe trousers ideal for work (it's not very often I spot clothes I like!) I'm down to a 22 now, but the biggest they had was a 20, so I bought them as a goal to work towards. After my little 10 week stint and the 30lbs, I am still determined to lose. I should fit into them!

I'm not going to be ebaten by this. I just have to keep picking myself up and moving on. There is no oint getting in a stress about how I am 'always' on a diet, but realistically I am going to be on a diet for the rest of my life. That's just the way it is.

Had a crazy night last night, we are having our fields ploughed up and reseeded and last night we needed to roll the field. Well we couldn't fit the roller through the gateway, it was a couple of inches too tight, so the only way we could figure out how to get the roller into the field was to go over the wall. Bearing in mind the roller is 10ft long and weighs 5 ton....crazy! Once the roller was in the field, we then needed to fill it with 2000 litres of water to make it even heavier! So my job was to go to and fro from the field all night, checking it had filled, so the farmer could roll the field at 5am this morning! Knackered!
haha!! That does sound like a crazy night!! Good excercise though?! tooing and froing?!Think of all the calories you will have burned!!

You'll be into those trousers in no time!! I absolutely HATE shopping for my bottom half! Everything seems to be made for people who have match sticks for calves...even when (I mean when) I am skinny...I don't think I'll ever be a fan of the skinny jeans - I resent them too much!!
Haha, I love flat knee high boots! I can't wait for the day I can get into a 'wide calf' pair, let alone normal sized ones. Can wait to be able to wear a nice above the knee skirt and a pair of boots! Or jeans tucked into boots!
But no, skinny jeans have never and will never be on the top of my shopping list!
I'm so far off jeans tucked into boots its unbelievable!! At the minute if I want to wear boots (without jeans!!) I have to get the weathered looking ones that scrunch down...but because my calves are so big, they barely make it above my ankle!!

I went on camp a few weeks ago with my brownies and had to cut big slits in my wellies just the get them on!!

Pah!! We'll be slim soon..... then we can wear whatever we like!!! YAY!!
Haha, my wellies have slits down the back of them too! I can just about zip up my evans extra wide boots, but I can only wear them for a couple of hours, after that my feet get fed up with the lack of blood! lol
Hey Kez! Thanks for the message. Sorry I've been awol. I'm an election campaigner so things are pretty busy at the moment as you can imagine!

Anyway, I'll go back through and read your diary in a moment, but hope things are going well xx
hey kez just catching up on past few days, have been without internet boo! but back now! we had the same measly 1 lb loss! never mind next week wel have a biggy!!
Never mind Fran, we'll just storm it next week instead! I've noticed how quite the diaries are getting now, am wondering whether it's because the peps I started out with are now cracking on and some have even reached their goals already.

What's everyone got planned for the weekend? I'm working tomorrow then on Sunday moving the horses to new fields for a couple of months while ours are seeded and growing. Should be exciting, taking my boy out on the big grown up roads. Not sure what he's going to make of it, expect I will get trampled more than once! lol.

Now off to go and buy a muzzle for the little pony to stop her getting too fat. Maybe that's what I need, a muzzle?!

Then got Monday off...yay! Managed to get someone to cover for me, so a lie in! Excellent!

The weather is rubbish and is meant to carry on through the weekend, but never mind! Will just have to crack on with the housework instead of the garden work.
Hmm it seems we've all had small losses this week, must be something in the air. I've had the worst night shift I've done in a long time, it was a total nightmare but at least I've got a really long weekend now. I'm so shattered. Your night sounds equally as mad Kez, at least I was inside.

I've had a terrible day because I'm so tired. I've totally rebelled against the diet and eaten lots. So this week if I have no loss or even a gain I deserve it and will not complain.

I've got no plans at all for the weekend. Early night tonight for sure, lie in tomorrow, take car for new tyres, thats about it. If the weather is half decent I might do a bit in the garden if not I have no idea, but I won't be giving work a second thought, and I won't be doing too much... aahhh be nice to have a relaxing weekend!!
Sounds like you got your weekend sorted! I can't wait for Sunday to come round. I am so bored of working Saturdays! But the money is coming in so useful! Strange how by Wednesday I ahve already spent the £50 I would get on the Saturday.

Still, I am managing to pay all the bills, tax the car, pay extra on the credit cards and buy nick nacks for the wedding!

Another 5 months at least to go of it though. So bored!
hey kez hows your weekend going, i know it sucks surf we all seem to have had silly losses, and it is so disheartening when youve stuck to it 100% unlike me :( naughty fran!

the money side of cd is starting to be a strain but i really do think for me personally, its the only diet that i will stick too so il just have to rein in my spending :)
Well I managed to get through the day, finished early actually. Worked my little socks off! Going out with a couple of the girlies later to the village pub, gonna have a few drinkies! Really looking forward to it, me and my partner don't drink. He's t-total as he doesn't have a very good relationship with drink and the condition of us staying together and having a future was that the drink went for good! He's been dry about 2 years now. So I feel very guilty when I do go out, but it's only 3 maybe 4 times a year and I don't go silly. And I just have to remind myself, it's not me that has a problem. Still, it makes our social life hard work sometimes!

I had a spicy tomato soup for dinner today and some snack a jacks. I can't believe I am saying this, but I WANT to go back on CD. I am fed up with cheating and bingeing and the crappy pathetic losses. I see how you guys are all going along and I am jealous!

It's hard, I know it is. I only managed 4 weeks and I blipped so many times in those 4 weeks it was crazy. But I did a stone in 4 weeks and that's pretty amazing I reckon?!

I have 3 weeks until I go to Manchester for OH's family do. When I originally went onto CD I was hoping by then I would have lost 3 stone. I'm still only 1 stone down, I reckon if I stuck to CD absolutely 100% then in 3 weeks I could drop another stone. I've had a think about the money side of it and I bring home £45-£55 a week for the chalet cleaning and that will pay for CD. I've got to be honest the extra money has been coming in very handy and after watching every penny for so long it's been nice to be able to buy the odd piece of clothing, have my hair done or flowers for the garden or a new wok and steamer. But I really would give everything to be slim!

I could book an appointment with my CDC on Monday. I have enough shakes to get started tomorrow, but I need to be completely 100% totally dedicated to this! My worry is that I know I can lose on CD while still cheating, so I need to go back to the way I felt on day 1 when I was too scared to use mouthwash cause it wasn't an alcohol free one! lmao!

We'll see. I've got steak for tea tonight and going out with the girls, so at the minute I am thinking of it as my last supper!

Got me some serious thinking to do!
Enjoy it Kez, have a great night! I've managed to reign in my rebellion and I'm back on the wagon today. I've had a banana tetra, vanilla shake and tons of water. I'm just deciding what to have for my last one. I spotted a fruits of the forest shake earlier so might have that.

I didn't realize how late it is I'm going to have to make sure I get my last water in or I'll be up all night. Have a great night, I'm going to watch scarey movies tonight I think xx