Kez's struggles and troubles! 17th June Restart!

Hey hun, I've been lurking around for a couple of days, hope you're okay. xx
Hello all! Well I have had a couple of weeks of free rein and the damage on the scales is half a stone up. I don't like it, but I'm not beating myself up. I'm still a stone down from my original weight. But with my dress now being here, I feel like I am being a greedy mare and not taking this seriously!

Realistically I have got 4 stone to be able to get into my dress (I think). I need to lose that at least to get a good idea of how the dresss, I may need to lose a bit more on top. I have no idea what my shape will be 4 stone lighter?!

I know that I can neither afford or stick to CD, so that's not an option. I am not really sticking with SW either, even though I know that it is the most realistic plan for my lifestyle and will power!

I have missed the last two weeks weigh in, as I know I am up on the scales. If I had a really good week I know I could drop the 7lbs, but I know that won't be happening. I think I should be honest with myself and the best I could hope for would be to lose those 7lbs over the next 2 weeks. I think I have got another 3 weeks already paid for at SW. Once they are up, I will sign up for another 3 months. As whatever I am doing, I know I need to be having on official weigh in.

I hope everyone else is doing well. I have noticed how quiet the diaries have gotten recently. I guess people are moving on to other things. I never check the new threads, I just look at my subscribed ones. Maybe I should be looking at the new ones a bit more?

Kez x
Oh, on a slightly different note. I have noticed recently how my weight is finally catching up and taking a toll on my body. I have been walking round the aerodrome each evening, which I think is about 3 miles. And by the time I get back, my fingers are so hot and swollen that my rings hurt. My feet are puffy and sore. I have blisters on the soles of my feet. My knees and ankles ache and I am really feeling the weight on my body.

Also, my back is not mending. I keep re-straining it and my sciatic nerve is giving me jip.
Ok, so while driving to the bank in my lunchbreak I am thinking about what I can buy in town for my dinner. A pasty, a panini, a sausage roll?! Then as I am driving along, I keep seeing all these people who are plus sized and not remotely bothered about what they look like. And I don't mean to sound like a cow, but they looked awful! Tiny vest tops and boob tube with great bellies spilling out over denim mini skirts.

I then looked closer at everyone I was driving past and I couldn't help but notice that there were the larger people who just didn't care what they looked like or what others think (good to 'em, really) and there were the larger people who were painfully aware of their size. They were hunched and staring at the ground as they walked. They held their bags to their stomaches, they all wore dark trousers and light baggy tops. By the way, I am definately one of these people!

It was enough to stop me buying anything for lunch! I don't want to be either of these people, I want to be one of the slim, confident, head held high people!
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dont let it get to u, u needed the break from diets. the older threads seem to have died down, however there are some lovely new people starting/restarting etc and all very supportive!!!

do what feels good for u, if CD doesnt work then dont do it, but do wat can suite u, slimming world is brilliant if u need a plan if not just conciously question everything u eat, write it down b4 it pases ur lips, if u still feel its worth eating then eat it, but just make the right decisions.

im sure u will take the necessary action to sort this, u know ur goal and when u are ready u will tackle this!!
Hey hun, I'm still here. I've just been lurking about really because I'm off the wagon this week. I too decided that I needed a rest from dieting. And I've learned a lot in the last couple of days, just by easing off the diet. Anyway I won't go into it on your diary, I'll save it for my own neglected diary:ashamed0005:

Funnily enough this past week or so I've also been notiving the different types of bigger people. I think it's because I've finally started to feel better about myself that I've noticed other people. You're right though, there are definitely two types of people there. I'm not sure whether the exhibitionist types just don't care:p, or don't bother to look in the mirror:rolleyes:. I've been to Newcastle today with my mum shopping and there's been the full range of people. This one lady (I say lady in the loosest sense of the word) was walking towards me and I was stunned. She had on a very short denim skirt:eek:, tree trunk legs and a short t-shirt top which allowed her muffin top (read big gut) hang out over the top of her skirt. I'm not sure if she thought she looked good:confused:, was just showing off her stretched tattoo's or just hadn't bothered to look in the mirror, but I just thought she looked terrible. To be honest I'm not really going to slate people, because it's each to their own, but I think that certain people must have just lost all their self respect.

Like you I'm definitely in the category where I wish I was invisible most of the time. I still chose to hide away. My friend on the other hand lost 10st on LL and on her way down she'd squeeze herself into the smallest size she could get into, most of the time she looked terrible, and if she'd just worn one size bigger she'd have looked fantastic. No one had the heart to tell her because she was always so excited that she fitted into x size, that it didn't seem to matter to her that it looked wrong.

Ah well each to their own I guess....

As for your dieting Kez don't worry about it..... Your head will get to the right place, you'll get some major mojo and it'll click with you, which ever diet you chose. Before I started CD I felt pretty much the same, I didn't have anything to work towards which made it harder in a way, but I one day after months and months of umming and ahing about what I was going to do about my weight, I just woke up and decided to go for it.

I think CD is probably the hardest diet in the world if you don't have the 'Fear'. My friend did LL the same time I started CD and her LLC filled her with fear about what would happen if she slipped up. At the time I thought it was a bit OTT, but looking back I think some of that fear rubbed off on me because I never once deviated from the plan for fear of what would happen...and first time round getting into ketosis for me was horrific, so I was scared to repeat that. Now unfortunately I know that I can swing in and out of ketosis without even blinking the fear is gone, and so is my will power because of it :(. But never mind, I'm getting there. And so will you. You've got that fabukous dress as motivation and you'll do it.:girlpower:

Sorry I've totally gone on and I didn't mean to. xxx
hi kez, nice to have you back. dont pressure yourself, spend some time thinking about what you want to do and then do it. good luck.
Hey Leeds, it's so slow on here these days! lol

I'm sat on the sofa at the moment wondering what to do. I'm a bit hungry, but then I haven't drunk anything yet. Do I have a glass of water, or some cereal? Or a shake?

Hmm....I don't think it will be a shake. CD is gone for good, so that means I can have some food without feeling guilty. Hmmm...what do I have? Not a lot in the cupboards.
water first, always check ur not just thirsty as i think this is key to why i used to pick, i never drank much and was prob thirsty!!
Your right! I was about to go get some cereal, but then saw an advert on TV for a wedding program and remembered I have a dress to get into!

Just need a list of constant reminders for those weak moments.
put a pic of ur wedding dress, and a recent pic of u on the fridge/cupboards then wen u cant decide and think of eating when not hungry u can c the 2 pics and think that in x amount of months the 2 will b together!! should b motivating for u hun, but not easy!!
I am back up to 17st 10lbs. When I first started SW 4 years ago, I was 17st 13lbs. I have bounced down and back up so many times. The lowest I reached was about 15st 7lbs. The highest I have reached was 18st 11lbs.

I am just wondering what it is about the top end of 17st??? I always seem to end up back here.

I've been posting on this diary for 14 weeks and I am 15lbs down. So I guess I can be positive about this and say that 1lb a week is completely fine as long as I carry on at that weight.
Hey hun, well done with the motivation. I read somewhere that once your body has been over weight it tries to get back to the weight it settled at, I refuse to believe that because people have lost weight and maintained it but it also goes a long way to explain why... I think I could quite easily end up back at 17st 8lb if I didn't constantly think about it...and do something about it. Top of 17st seems magnetic somehow. I'm sure I'm always going to have to struggle to keep my weight down, and I've realised that I'm quite happy to do that (I've become a control freak). Obviously I'm not happy to be doing CD forever, that's just not practical, or safe I should imagine. So as soon as I get down to 12st I'm going to work back up the plans and move across to SW. I need to have someone weigh me each week and I need the structure of a diet plan, I can't be left to my own devices or I'll be back to 17st as fast as you can say MacDonalds lol.

I think having little motivators around the house really helps, remember I've got 'The Face' everywhere and it does work. I tell you what else seems to be working at the moment, I've got a pair of combats that fitted when I was at target and I keep squeezing my ass into them, can't wait for the day they're big on me again. Why don't you buy a dress or something that's the same size as your wedding dress, then you can keep trying it on and check on your progress.

Don't ever feel guilty because you have done well and you will get there, just have faith in yourself hun xxx
i know the feeling too, i have bn up and down from 15.7 on my 21st birthday - 18stone at my heaviest this year, am currently at 16.7 and b4 CD was with u at the higher end of 17's it must b magnetic i can maintain at that, wel it isnt maintaining its eating bad lots and staying there!!

if ur not comfortable at that size then its only u that can change it, we cld all stay at a higher weight for easiness but i have decided as i am now approaching 25 i want to spend my adult life at a size i am comfortable to be me at, at a size 18 i make myself faid into the background, even now im feeling more like me, but at a size 14 i am happy to be in the front line and b noticed!!

Iv noticed at a bigger size i have actually turned down nights out to avoid being seen, i love going out and enjoying myself but i will just sit quietly to not be notices, this isnt me im the prat on the dancefloor having fun!! thats where i want to be and will b.

sorry for the long post but just want u to know u are not alone, we all have the same problems and are here to support each other.

have u thought of doing CD on SS+ or 810, that way u are eating but u know the diet works, i find the ss+ stops me thinking of food, on SS i craved the weirdest food, ham and pickled onons lol but now i just enjoy my eve meal and vary it to keep it from being boring!

only u can make the decision to change ur weight, we will all be here to support u whatever ur choice, we want to c u in that wedding dress looking amazing!!

just playing catch up with everyone. been not 100% now since holiday and feeling it. playing ping pong with the last 7lbs. hard work.
Hey nikki, glad to see your still about. You've done so well to get into your last 7lbs, don't beat yourelf up.

I've had a good day. Banana for breakfast, ham salad sandwich and nectarine for lunch and a naughty pack of mini cheddars and yoghurt for tea. Not fantastic, but the best i've had in a long while.

Took my horsey for a walk in my new trail trainers. I needed something to support my ankles and hopefully help my posture while walking.

Also, I am posting this from my new iPhone!
Wooo hooo, yay for the new iphone!!! I love mine to bits, don't know what I did before I had it. I even use it to go on minis when I'm upstairs and too lazy to walk down to get my laptop lol.

EEEK I've got WI tomorrow and I'm so scared, I know I've put on about 10lbs in a week, will find out true numbers tomorrow night. I'm going to start again tomorrow on SS. I'm going to do SS until I'm rid of this weeks gain then I'm going to move back up to SS+ it seems to be what works best for me. xxx
At least you know what works and stick with it! You won't have put on 10 lbs! I should go to weigh in tomorrow, but don't want to... I know I am at least 5 lbs up for sure. I know I should bite the bullet.

I love the iPhone, I had an iPod touch already. So now I have the full package, the battery is so crap though! My only complaint.
I know mine gets hammered so as soon as I get in I have to put it on to charge. I totally love it, had to cull a few apps though I had 12 pages of them 12 pages!!!!! I was scared before I got it that it wouldn't be all it was cracked up to be, because I had an LG Cookie before and talk about unresponsive, I have to practically put my finger through the screen to get it to do anything. But no, iphone is amazing!!!

I downloaded the 100 push ups app, in 6 weeks I should be able to do 100 push ups with out stopping. I figured it might help tone up my arms a 2 of the programme tomorrow. My arms are hurting still hurting from yesterday, I am so weak lol.
I had a look at that push up app, there is a 200 sit up one as well. Which I might have a go at, I don't reckon I could do 2 push ups at the minute, not unless they were the girly push ups. I probably couldn't even do a plank at the mo!

I did find an app called My Net Diary. It's at the top of the list on the health apps. It's just a calorie counter basically, but I'm loving it. You put in your current details and where you want to get to, then it tells you what calories you need to consume to get there.

Currently , I need to consume approx 1450 kcals a day to lose 1.9lbs a week to get to 10 stone by the wedding...lmao!

I have no doubt that I will NOT be 10 stone by my wedding, but the higher I aim the better, right?!

Anyway, you put in what you have eaten and drunk and it logs it all for you and makes pretty graphs you can upload to your emails. As well as calories it breaks it down into carbs, protein, calcium, sodium etc etc. So it will let me know if I'm eating too much salt, that sort of thing.

I think it's pretty nifty! And much better for keeping track that my little notebook.