Hey hun, I'm still here. I've just been lurking about really because I'm off the wagon this week. I too decided that I needed a rest from dieting. And I've learned a lot in the last couple of days, just by easing off the diet. Anyway I won't go into it on your diary, I'll save it for my own neglected diary:ashamed0005:
Funnily enough this past week or so I've also been notiving the different types of bigger people. I think it's because I've finally started to feel better about myself that I've noticed other people. You're right though, there are definitely two types of people there. I'm not sure whether the exhibitionist types just don't care

, or don't bother to look in the mirror

. I've been to Newcastle today with my mum shopping and there's been the full range of people. This one lady (I say lady in the loosest sense of the word) was walking towards me and I was stunned. She had on a very short denim skirt

, tree trunk legs and a short t-shirt top which allowed her muffin top (read big gut) hang out over the top of her skirt. I'm not sure if she thought she looked good

, was just showing off her stretched tattoo's or just hadn't bothered to look in the mirror, but I just thought she looked terrible. To be honest I'm not really going to slate people, because it's each to their own, but I think that certain people must have just lost all their self respect.
Like you I'm definitely in the category where I wish I was invisible most of the time. I still chose to hide away. My friend on the other hand lost 10st on LL and on her way down she'd squeeze herself into the smallest size she could get into, most of the time she looked terrible, and if she'd just worn one size bigger she'd have looked fantastic. No one had the heart to tell her because she was always so excited that she fitted into x size, that it didn't seem to matter to her that it looked wrong.
Ah well each to their own I guess....
As for your dieting Kez don't worry about it..... Your head will get to the right place, you'll get some major mojo and it'll click with you, which ever diet you chose. Before I started CD I felt pretty much the same, I didn't have anything to work towards which made it harder in a way, but I one day after months and months of umming and ahing about what I was going to do about my weight, I just woke up and decided to go for it.
I think CD is probably the hardest diet in the world if you don't have the 'Fear'. My friend did LL the same time I started CD and her LLC filled her with fear about what would happen if she slipped up. At the time I thought it was a bit OTT, but looking back I think some of that fear rubbed off on me because I never once deviated from the plan for fear of what would happen...and first time round getting into ketosis for me was horrific, so I was scared to repeat that. Now unfortunately I know that I can swing in and out of ketosis without even blinking the fear is gone, and so is my will power because of it

. But never mind, I'm getting there. And so will you. You've got that fabukous dress as motivation and you'll do it.:girlpower:
Sorry I've totally gone on and I didn't mean to. xxx