Hmmmm, 3 days since my last post. Must come on here more, it always motivates me when I do. Seeing how others are doing.
So, after updating my ticker and realising that in 15 weeks all I have lost is 13lbs, I am pretty gutted with myself. I have let myself down big style. I preach on about how much I want to lose weight and how I hate the way I am, yet I still keep filling my mouth with food.
In the last 4 months I have tried CD, SW, Atkins, Calorie counting and all I am doing is setting myself up for more failure. I need to pick 1 plan and stick with it and give it a proper chance instead of skipping off it 3 days into it and switching to which ever other plan 'allows' me to have what I want. I'm only cheating myself!
Sooo...even though I said I done with CD forever, I just have this nagging thought in the back of my head that is telling me that it's beaten me. Now, I don't like being beaten. I don't like feeling weak, so today is Day 1!
Day 1 is easy, I usually have a headache coming on by the time I get home, but thats nothing a paracetamol, hot bath and early night won't sort. Day 2 starts out easy, I am usually running on the buzz of completing Day 1 100%. But the thick head and groggyness usually puts a dampener on my mood by the afternoon. Which is when I start struggling as I start getting grumpy, which makes me arguementative, which makes me rebellious!
Day 2 usually ends with me eating a couple of mouthfuls of whatever I have cooked OH. And that mouthful usually satisfies my defiance while not causing me enough guilt to give in. I feel like I'm sticking my tongue out at CD while in the knowledge that I haven't done too much to jepordise ketosis/weight loss. By Day 3, I'm struggling here. I feel grouchy and cold and miserable and I know that everyone else goes through the same, but I just sit stewing in my self pity and hate towards everyone around me that can eat normal food and is thin and pretty. Day 3 is a bad place on my planet, I don't think many nice things on Day 3. ANd Day 4 is when it brightens up, however I usually feel quite lost on Day 4. I'm not settled into the plan, it's all still new and I'm not really sure where I am going. Day 5...well I've never reached Day 5. I usually go back to Day 1
Now I've thought about it, maybe Day 2 is where I start to fail. As I am fighting CD, but how do I get my head to go along with it, like it's a good thing?
I know I'll be doing a lot of posting on here over the next few days. Clearing my head and wittering on, on here helps keep me on the straight and narrow. So apologies in advance!
Oh and I am already half a litre and a black coffee down! Yay!