Kez's struggles and troubles! 17th June Restart!

I do it every now and then if I'm sick of them. Helps for a bit. xx
Hehe, thin medicine! I like that! I can cope with the shakes, I just don't enjoy them like the tetras. The tetras are actually scrummy!
Good luck with your exam today Kez. xx
Hi Nikki, exam was yesterday but that's for thinking of me! Glad it's over and done with. I've just seen your shout about your jeans...well done! I'll come over and have a catch up on your diary in a min.

Well Day 2 people and still going alright. Tonight will be the testing time and also tomorrow when I'm cleaning chalets all day. Got to drink more!

1 strawberry shake down (mixed with 500mls instead of the usual) which I'm not sure made it any better, but it's down the hatch anyway. Plus a black coffee, but still no water!
Ooohh silly me Kez, lol.. So glad its over now though,, time for "you" time me thinks and time to rest a bit..

Yeah.. my jeans have gone all baggy on my tush and waiste.. feels good, but need more lb's to come off now.. Measured myself compared to Feb on CD and lost 10 inches overall so far.. arms, waiste and thighs.. will do that again Beg of July to see any difference. Still thinking of doing CD for a week end of July though, have a good week's supply here and they'll be coming to the end of their shelf life then too. Just want to get a good stone and half off between now and beg of Aug.. x
Def time for 'me', my brain is still recovering. I really hope I pass as I just want the qualification done so I can move forward and never have to worry about it again. :)

Just been to tesco with some people from work and they all bought southern fried chicken and full fat coke...yum, yum! It smelt lush, especially stuck in the car with them on the way back. But I was strong and got some coke zero, which I've not had before but just tastes like diet coke to me? A new 1lt bottle of water as all my bottles are a bit mangled now and some of the strawberry water surfhunny has said about (except I don't think I will like it, was hoping for a fizzy version).

Hmm....think I might have my second pack on my afternoon break, brought a porridge in with me.

I hoped on the scales this morning, which I know is really naughty. But seeing them go down, which they have, is helpful! I need to lose 12lbs to get to my lowest since I started this whole thing in February. I did 8lbs in my first week of CD the first time round, so if I could do that again I'd be chuffed!
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Hmm...I haven't actually got anything useful to post, but I'm bored and there is chocolate cake downstairs!

Had my second shake a bit ago, porridge....yuk! It's so dissapointing, it smells so yummy when it's cooking. Still I've only got 1 more porridge sachet left, so by Monday I'll be brave enough to try it again.

Am feeling a bit weak and a little bit cold. But that's to be expected when yesterday I consumed a mere 140kcals (1 tetra) and today have only had 276kcals. Hopefully tomorrow will bring the start of ketosis. I am still feeling confident i am going to get through Day 2, but tonight is going to be hard. I didn't cook for Scott yesterday as was out with the horses most of the evening, but tonight I will have to.
I think it will be bath and early night for me too. I started a book weeks ago and haven't looked at it since, so should go cuddle up with the cat and had a good read.

Or just sit on the laptop playing treasure isle and frontierville on facebook! lol
Good luck hope tonight goes well and you stay good.
Thanks for your help today I think you saved me from the dreaded machine.
Heehee, no worries. Well done! It was all you, nothing to do with me.
Just posting up a log of my water before I forget. Do we count the water we use to make the shakes?

*250ml water
*500ml black coffee
*330ml coke zero
*1500ml flavoured water

I make that just over 2.5litres so anything extra now is a bonus!
Argh! Help people...I am at home, nobody is here with me and I want to eat!!!! I have got a chicken breast and mushrooms baking in the oven. I'm not fussed about anything else, like the bread or pasta or yoghurts. I just really fancy some baked mushrooms!!!

Oi Kerry stop right there Mrs!!! You can have both things on SS+ so it's really not the end of the world providing they aren't covered in cheese or something like that. And also providing you stop at that!!

If it's any consolation I'm really struggling at the moment to stay strong, I know I've got chicken breasts in the freezer and I'm desperate for something savoury BUT right now I'm resisting the urges. I've got my last shake to have and another litre of water so I'm going to have that then go to bed and watch Invictus in my bed. I'm going to make a cup of tea to take up with me and then hopefully I'll be sufficiently distracted to stop thinking about eating.

I love Coke Zero, to me it tastes like real full fat bad for you Coke. I guess thats why I like it so much. Dr Pepper Zero is my favourite though. You can get fizzy strawberry and kiwi water from Sainsbury's and I can safely say it has no effect what-so-ever on me getting into ketosis. I love the fact that I don't have to have plain water anymore if I don't want to because I can't stand the water flavourings.

Hope you can make it through this evening. I'm sure you will!! xxx
Wow fizzy flavoured water you can have?!? Is it allowed on CD as i'm really getting bored of water.
Put it this way it's not recommended by CD Lyndzi, but neither are coke zero or dr pepper zero. I haven't had plain water in over a week and I'm definitely in ketosis. BUT you have to be very careful which ones you get. These ones contain malic acid NOT citric acid.

Sainsburys - Fizzy Strawberry & Kiwi
Still Raspberry & Cranberry

Tescos - Still Apple
Still Strawberry

these are the only ones I've found so far. And are the only ones I get.
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Hey hun, how have you got on today? I've just realised the time and have put my last shake in to set as a mousse and I'm settling down to watch The Day The Earth Stood still. Have no idea what it's about but it's got Keanu Reeves in it so it can't be all bad surely?

Hope you've survived yet another day of being 100% you're doing really well. xx
Kerry how're doing Hun? Just thought I'd stop in and see how you're getting on. I'm just off to sainsburys to stock up on fizzy water for the week lol. I'm going to have a go at making jelly out of the raspberry and cranberry water and the mix a mousse. I've tried before using the water flavourings but it was gross, mostly because I don't like the water flavourings lol. Anyway I figured it's worth a try for something different. My mum used to make ice lollies out of the shakes but they just make me feel sick so jelly 'might' be better!

Anyway hope you're okay cos I haven't heard from you for a little while. Have a good day and you know where I am if you need me xxx