Kez's struggles and troubles! 17th June Restart!

All this talking about clothes, I went to Matalan to pick up some summer goodies. I live in my black trousers.

I bought: a GORGEOUS maxi dress, but the biggest size they had was an 18 so I've treated myself and will keep it tucked away for when I go to Malta in November with work. It'll look lush by then! I tried it on but the little zipper down the side of my boobs is about 4 inches off doing

I also got a couple of nice yellow cotton vesty tops (size 22), a knee length brown/amber summer dress (size 20) and a gorgeous skirt skirt that looks like its from Monsoon (size 20). I've just realised how boring that sounds, maybe I should take some piccies to go!

So I finally have some nice clothes, I honestly live in the same 5/6 outfits or variations of them. I hate clothes shopping and the only thing I seem to feel comfortable in is black trousers and baggy tops. Sounds familiar guys? :)

Got a really nice pair of GREY pinstripe trousers to work towards in a size 20, hopefully another stone and a half and they'll be doing up. Then that maxi dress and malta!

Have had another 90% day. Came home and had some chicken slices and a handful of grapes. I'm not beating myself up, I turned down ice creams this afternoon and after eights and chocolate cake this evening. But aware I need to keep it in check, otherwise it could well be the slippery slope!

Jumped on the scales again....I know, I know! I think they are the same give or take as CDCs last night. Bit gutted they haven't gone down but got to be realistic, it's been 7lbs in 3 days. Need to let my body catch up, still aiming for 3lbs by Mondays weigh in, should be fine as long as I stay on track. After that, no more goals other than to get into 16 stone.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, it's gonna be a scorcher!
Hope u have a good weekend Xxx
you're doing brilliantly kez well done. just watch those grapes as they could take you out of ketosis.
Eek! Breath is still honking this morning, but nowhere near as bad. No more grapes for me, just in case! At work cleaning chalets, it is way to hot for this! I fed the rest of the chicken roll to the dogs so I wouldn't be tempted. Lol
Feeling a bit low at the minute. Firstly I am tired from chalet cleaning in the sweltering heat and want a kip, but need to go do the horses yet and walk the dogs. Secondly, I have been stupid and jumped on the scales.

I have been weighing morning and evening since I started on Tuesday and up until now every weigh in has been less each time. But this morning I weighed the same as yesterday morning, which I was fine with, after all I had eaten chicken roll and grapes for the last two evenings, but today have been 100% and am just finishing my 3rd litre. I jumped on the scales and I am up 3lbs!!!

I know that it is only water, what else can it be, I haven't had anything else? But I was expecting to see the scales within 1lb of this mornings, if not down on this mornings.

I'm not low about the diet, I'm still determined and won't falter. But it just makes me feel's those dreaded scales mind games. Maybe it's time to get scott to put them back in the loft!
Step away from them scales kez and chin up hun...your on day 5.:D Today has been a scorcher and with such a busy day you are probably retaining water...I always weigh at least 3-8 lbs heavier in evenings so NEVER weigh myself then unless have an evening weigh in.

Hide the scales and just weigh in at weigh is such a great feeling when you don't know your loss and you have a good one with your cdc.

proud of you hun for getting this far and sure you'll see a good loss on monday:D
Hey chick you're as bad as me with the scales hopping, banish them again, I have and feel better about it all now they aren't dictating my moods. I might have to have a trip go Matalan myself, at the moment I pretty much live in my black shorts, denim shorts and variation of tshirts. I need some decent summer clothes!!

I'm glad you're in the zone with the diet, it's easier when you're in the zone, I think it's easier to keep on track somehow and say no to temptations. Xxx
Hey dappy, I know! I need to chuck the scales away all together, I just can't help myself. I jumped on them again a little while ago and I'd dropped 2lbs! Even though I'd drunk another litre of water, go figure! I think my scales are trying to sabotage me! Grrr!

So pleased I've been 100% today, it really is easy at the moment, but I'm not taking that for granted. Just not sure where my new found motivation has come from. It seems to have grown day by day.

Tomorrow is going to suck, going to dads to fix my car and he's bound to be doing a beast of a bbq!
Really struggling at the minute. It's because I am at hom enad feeling tired and lazy, so I am left thinking about food. I had soome scrambled eggs earlier with a bit of cheese melted in. Was yummy and I know it was bad, but I really felt like I needed something. Just thinking now that I have opened the floodgates.

I am realy hoping for 3lbs by weigh in tomorrow, I'll be honest I'll be gutted if I don't get it. I know I shouldn't put pressure on, but in my head I know that will get me to my previous lowest CD weight. After that I know I will be content to take what comes, but also know that if I don't get it I will be feeling very low about the diet.

Off to put a chocolate tetra in the freezer, do they freeze?
Choc tetras freeze well, makes fab ice cream but get it out a while before you want it or you'll be eating it till next week cos they freeze very solid and take ages to get to a point where you can get a spoon in. I keep checking on mine to catch them before they get too hard, but they are yum!!

I had a bit of a slip up last night, mum and dad got back from their holidays yesterday and while I was round there they got Indian take away so they didn't have to cook, I had a bit of chicken off each of their plates and a piece of naan bread. I felt really guilty about it afterwards so I'm determined not to let it be the beginning of the end. I need to keep going!! Hope you're feeling better, it doesn't have to be the opening of the floodgates xxx
I took a peshwari naan out of the freezer earlier, but then forced mysef to put it back! I'd love a plate of tikka massala right now! having to make very sudden dashes to the toilet? Belly is rock solid, do you think that could be the cheese I had earlier. It's very fatty isn't it? Maybe it's upset my other wise empty stomach!
How can one person make you feel so stupid and little? My step dad offered me fish and chips and when I declined asked me if I was back on ' my diet' in the most sarcastic tone. Then proceeded to tell me that one meal won't do any harm and it's onle if you have it wver night it does. Well yes! But I still don't want any! Then he mutter something under his breath which I'm sure would have been something about how rediculous he thinks the diet is. Don't I feel very fat and belittled!
Asshole! Grrrrr. Lol!
Oh ignore him Kez, he clearly doesn't understand how it feels. Hope your tum is feeling better. It could've been the cheese, I got like that after my last lot of carbs and it was painful. xx
Just had a frozen tetra, pretty good? Not sure why I picked a chocolate one to freeze though, cause I don't like chocolate ice cream. lol?

Yeah, Scott's step dad is africaans and is very! As we know they can be, he doesn't think about how, what he says comes across. On the whole I can ignore him, but today there was a big crowd and I felt very small and pathetic. I didn't like that! I'll show him though!

Stomach has settled, but is not growling for some of the gammon joint in the oven. Why can't everyone else stop eating when I do :(

Weigh in tomorrow, can't wait to get it over and done with and hope it gives me motivation to carry on for another week.
Good luck for tomorrow Hun. And your right about his step dad, my friends mum is the same Afrikaners seem to have no tact. On the whole I like their directness but sometimes a little bit of tact goes a long way, and I'm glad that I managed to keep my tactfulness lol.

I'm dreading my wi on Wed for some reason... Think it's because of the little mishap last night :( ah well I guess I'll just have to suck it up, it's my own doing!!
Well, well, well...... I've made it to Day 7! Admitedly, I haven't been 100% through out the week, but in reflection, if I put everything I have eaten together then it prob only equals a meals worth of what I would usually eat!

Weigh in tonight, am really looking forward to it. The scales were looking good this morning, so still hoping for my 3lbs! I'll be so over the moon if I get them and honestly will be gutted if I don't. Got to make sure this is the very last target I set myself as putting myself under pressure is no good.

Judging by my breath this morning, today is going to be a good fat burning day!