I am so bloody freezing! I'm sure I wasn't this cold the first week? How long does it last for, or does it continue on all the time you are in ketosis?
I'm usually a hot sleeper, but the last couple of nights, I've had my duvet, an extra throw, furry pajamas, my slippers and my furry dressing gown on and have felt contently snug! lol
Didn't have any lunch today, I had to go out and get some dog and horse feed. Had a black coffee with sweetener instead, which wasn't all that bad? Nowhere near as nice as with milk, but seeing as I can't have that, no point in dwelling!
I really, really, really struggle in the evenings. When I have to cook for my other half. Last night he had quarter pounders with mushrooms and onions, chips, egg and bread & butter! I was in the foulest mood after that. I know it's not his fault, but couldn't help it.
Tonight I'm doing him a jacket potato. WIll mix up some tuna mayo and sweetcorn, put the jacket in the oven and then go get a bath. Leave him to dish it up, so I'm not tempted. I've got two meals to use up this evening, so think I'll have a hot one and make up some mousse. Kind of like dinner and pudding!
Weigh in tomorrow, thats all I am aiming for at the minute. I don't think the scales have shifted at all, but as long as I remain the same as I was my last weigh in I will be satisfied, not happy, but at least I will have salvaged any damage of my week off plan.
I have decided I am going to visit her twice a week for the interim. 7 days seems to be too long for me to handle, I think 3 day chunks are easier to deal with for the minute. I wonder if I will get bars this week? I woudl be on week 3 now if I hadn't have come off plan. I am looking forward to them, just so I can chop one up and whenever I am tempted, treat it like having a sweet.
I have got a bit of a headache today and my eyes feel gloopey. Day 3 of the restart so guess it's still to be expected. Feel brighter and less dopey though, yesterday my words were even slurring if I tried to speak too fast. Kept mistyping everything etc.
Water intake has been very good today! I've had about 5 pints already and still going strong. It's easier at work as the bottle is constantly within 6 inches of my hand, but at home I forget and put the bottle down. Then out of sight out of mind!
Hopefully tomorrow I am right back on the ball as I have got to have words with my boss about my annual bonus. I don't get a lot, it was designed as a sweetener to keep me with the company when I was ready to leave a couple years back. However last year my work computer needed replacing, I run the accounts system, payroll etc through it. Not to mention the 100's of email I get each day! Anyway, I asked if I could have a laptop instead of a desktop, so that instead of working late and weekends, I could take stuff home? (Bearing in mind, I don't get paid overtime for the extra I do). So, now he is saying that the price of the laptop has to come out of my bonus! I think he's way out of line. It's not a personal laptop, I need ot have it to do my job. The fact they got me the laptop instead of the desktop ahs only benefited the company by the extra hours they get out of me each week! Gggrrrrrr!!!!!