Kez's struggles and troubles! 17th June Restart!

lol @ the chicken ball i dont know if i would have had the will power to only eat half lol well done!! your job sounds fab! is it 50 a day?? wow if it is i started my new job today was up at 5 am bloody knackered today.i really really am craving chocolate as am due on :( i was considering coming off plan just for today but its 630 pm and still cant decide what to do????
don't come off the plan. if you are desperate have an extra shake or if you have any bars have one of those. try cooking a choc shake (not choc orange as it doesn't work) and make it into a muffin and as it'll be an extra shake you are fine with cooking.
I hope you have a good loss for your third wi :D
I did 9am to 5pm for my £50! Rubbish eh? But it's only a saturday job for the summer. I still do my accounts mon-fri. It's to earn some extra pennies.

Well day was a pretty eventful day! I went to Tesco and did my fortnightly shop. Got lots of bits for the H2B and was amazed that even though I was only shopping for one, I spent the same as I normally do?! Oops!

Then picked up the transit van from work to go and collect a stash of hay for the horsies, which was going well, until I hoiked a bale up into the van and something went ping in my back. Oh dear! Well I was loading up with 2 burly men and Im always keen to not be a pathetic woman, so grimaced and pushed through. My elderly, heart of gold neighbour came along to help me and just as we had finished unloading he twisted his knee.

So I took him to A&E and I patiently sat waiting (even though I wanted to scream...look at me, my backs broken! lol) when he came out he's torn a ligament in his knee. neighbour walks my dogs every morning, he doesn't sleep very well so if he is awake at night, he gets up and takes the dogs for a walk, so he can come back and go to sleep. Sometimes, he even comes in at 3am to get! Anyway....I have banned him from walking the dogs tomorrow morning, and the only way he will not walk them is if I take them out. So my morning will probably start at 5am, so I can walk the dogs for an hour and half (like he does) and then get back to shower and get changed, then do the horses before getting to work at 8. Then after work, to collect my car from the garage, go to weigh in, then back to get the dogs and go to the horses! Phew, I'll be sleeping well tomorrow night!

I'm annoyed with myself as I had a corned beef sandwich and a chocolate bar today! I was sure I'd be having a good weigh in tomorrow, but I've probably ruined it now. Never mind.

Now watching dancing on ice before I get a VERY hot bath to soak my back and then an early night in preperation for tomorrow morning. Harsh! lol
oh god kez what a nitemare day youve had dont blame you for eating what you did!! you sound like youve got a mad day tom hope you can stick to plan :) x
I will, weigh day is the only day that can keep me on the straight and narrow. Maybe I should have a weigh day every day!
Haha, if only! Well I went for the walk with the dogs, my back is killing! lol
Day 21! And I am still not sticking to plan?! Argh! Need to take this seriously. Weigh in tonight and I think I am heading for another 1lb loss. I know 1lb is 1lb, but when you have over 100lbs to go, it's just not good enough is it? If I was taking it seriously at this stage it would be falling off.

Saying that, I am quite upbeat about it all. I dont feel like I need to be beating myself up over it. I know where I am falling down and only I can fix it. It's not the diets fault, it my willpowers :)

I've already cheated today, I had a coffee this morning with milk. But after my 5am walk, I felt I had earnt it. A nice bowl of porridge with golden syrup would have gone down well!

Not had a shake yet, going to put it off till my morning break if I can. Got a butterscotch shake then porridge for dinner. It'll be my last porridge. I started off liking them, but now have to really force them down. Bleurgh!
Well! I have just had my bill in for my jeep that I am meant to be collecting tonight. £470!!! OMG! I was expecting £250. Still the mechanic is a family friend and I know if he has done it, it would have needed doing.

Still, as I don't get paid until Friday that has meant I have had to borrow £200 to go towards the bill and the rest will be split between my current account and my credit card. Leaving me with zero pennies for CD? Am stuck with what to do? I think I have enough shakes to keep me going through till Thursday, so guess I could go again on Thursday and pay by cheque so my wages would be in before she cashed it? I hate having to fiddle money around :(
yes to do that my cdc is away soon and she said i could give her a postdated cheque as i couldnt afford to pay for 2 weeks of cdc food.i wouldnt say youve cheated having milk in your coffee it could be alot worse hun!! get weighed today then go at it hammer and tongs hun x
Cheers Fran! My initial reaction is always..well, I'll just have to come off it for a week or two. But that would be too easy, I'm just looking for a get out of jail free card. Will phone her at lunchtime to cancel tonights appointment and book in for Thursday!

And won't have any more coffee's today! And will start drinking water instead.
Hia Cornish Kez, don't come off the plan. Give your CDC the cheque and go for it.

Try not to cheat as that will knock you out of ketosis and make you hungry so vicious circle. When I did CD before I used to have a bath or paint my nails when I felt like eating and it would take my mind off it.

Good luck for your 4th week on the plan.

sod restarting again!! think of it that way.have you weighed since last wi? know you shouldnt but i have a sneaky peek and my scales seem to match my cdc.

i know what you mean about money we are literally living hand to mouth this week as this is last week before payday and me doing this diet doesnt help so know exactly what you mean by just come off for few weeks but i cant face a restart :\
Thanks guys, was just wondering whether I shoulg give SW a go again. I lost 3 stone in 4 months last time I did it, I found it much easier to be restricting and controlled because I didn't have to miss out altogether. at such a lose as what to do? These few weeks on CD have been a great start. I am just wondering whether I am wasting my money or not? Hoo hmm.....what to do, what to do!
Oh and I weighed this morning and I think I am only down 1lb down. Last week I was 17st 10lbs and my scales this morning showed 17st 9.4lbs. Well I think my scales weigh slightly heavier than my CDC's so by the time I've put on a lb or so during the day, Im hoping I'll still be 1lb down.
Hey you! Just read all this and salute you for being so honest. You're a good writer - very funny!

Well, it's bloody difficult this diet isn't it. I was gutted that I stuck to it 100% and still only lost 5lbs my first week and this week I am REALLY struggling not to cheat. I haven't yet, but my weigh in is still a few days off and I really really want to know if it's making any difference or I'm packing the whole bloomin' thing in. I'll try and make it to Thursday, but we'll see. Maybe we should motivate each other? Cornish girls together and stuff!!!

I'm not sure if you can PM on this forum so don't want to put my personal details up on here, but I'll check this thread every day so we can stay in touch.

I have 144lbs to lose and I just don't think I'll manage it on my own!

K x

p.s. I love the phrase Haleketosis breath - God, it's awful isn't it? I stink!!
Heehee minirog! Thanks, it's my little place to vent. I can't tell anyone in real life, they think I'm 100% and are SOOO proud of me :(

The haleketosis breath is from Franbella, I reckon it should be make official CD slang. Mine is worse in the morning, feels like I've been on a bender. Or as my partner would say, a badgers wiped his arse on my tongue. What a nice Cornish boy he is?!

I'm def up for motivating each other. I don't know anyone who is doing this or has done it before. So this forum is my sanctuary!

Don't be too down on yourself, when I did SW for months and months I was always a week behind myself. So when I was really well behaved it would never show until the week after. And when I was really bad, Id think Id got away with it, but it would always catch up the week after. Think you need to give it at least the two weeks. Then if you have similar weight loss this week, you need to think to yourself, would I have lost it this quick on any other diet?

I know where your coming from, I'm really struggling. I think I can probably could on 1 hand the days I have been absolutely 100% to plan since I started.

I'm going to talk to my CDC tonight and see what she says. I can't afford buy any more sachets until Thursday (bloody vehicle!) but have got enough to get me through until then. I think I am going to give it one more week, then if I still cant behave myself I'm going to switch to SW. Im just throwing my money away otherwise.

You won't be able to PM until you have 50 posts (I think), but you can access any thread you have posted in by clicking on 'quick links' in the top right hand corner, then subscribed threads. Much easier than trawling through re-reading everything.

Give me a clue as to where you are? Are you anywhere near me? Im in netween St Agnes and Perranporth, originally a Falmouth girl. x
I'm further up the county I'm afraid. You're proper Cornish down there!

I've taken to carrying a breath spray around with me for the breath thing, it's so horrible to stink so badly! My lovely hubby says he can't smell it, but of course he must be able to!

I'm struggling tonight as I was just at my Mum's house and she was cooking a lush curry that smelt sooooooo good. I've come home and had my Leek n Potato soup - it's just not quite the same!

How did you go today? Are you still SS+ or have you gone up a stage? I've got a memory like a goldfish so I can't remember. I'm still SS but am so worried I won't make it to 12 weeks. Seems SOOOOOOO long to go!

Have you tried any of the 'recipes' that are listed on here? I've tried some but I'm worried that it messes with the diet in some way. Mind you it is so good to be able to chew something.

Do you smoke? Just asking because I gave up ages ago but find it hard not to now. It seems like I have nothing to "relax" with. However, I know I must stop using food in this way if I want to get and stay thing.

I reckon I'm going to go to bed really early tonight to avoid the urge to snack!
haleketosis is my copyright ! he he .kez im awaiting your wi result woman! how was today? x