Well everyone, I am back in the game! I'm going to give it another shot.
Decided mainly because everyone I spoke to told me not to worry, it was a hard diet and I'd done well so far. Maybe I should try something a bit easier. Which made me soo mad! I want to prove to everyone I can do this and that I am not weak!
Also, my partner really upset me. He couldn't understand how, but he's never had and never will have a weight issue, so he probably won't ever understand. He just made some comment like 'Have you given up your diet then?'. But the way he said it was accussing. So in my head I am saying to myself 'See even he thinks your a failure'. He then said 'Well just as well cause it'll save money'. So I flared up then! I didn't spend 9 hours scrubbing crappy, mouldy little chalets for minimum wages for the hell of it! It was to pay for this diet, so I reminded him of that fact. His response was, that I could use the money to clear some debt.
Well, that decided it for me. I am not slaving away just to put it on my debts, I already don't have any hobbies or perks as everything goes on bills. So if I am going to do slave labour, I am going to chose how I spend it!
So here goes Day 1 (again!). This will be the 3rd time I have tackled going into ketosis. Luckily the first 2 times I was into it at the end of day 2. Day 2 being the worse headache and cold wise.
1 x Cappuchino shake down (I actually quite like them).
1 x pint of water down.
Have a good day everyone. Will drop in later x