Kerry's pregnancy diary
Thanks chug n hollie, I've just got to keep 9st 7 in mind for Xmas! Last Xmas I was 11 st 7 so if I can do it I'll b 2 st lighter!
really really want to do it! Butt kicked and now back on track!
kezzalicious30 said:Thanks Carly, butt is kicked now!!
Dubchick u are totally right, if I spiral again this wk then that will b another gain on top of what I would have gained this wk and I don't want that! I'm gonna get back on it today, I know I can do it. It's just resetting my brain into points mode again, haha! no more excuse tho. My work trousers feel tight today, I intend them feeling comfortable before the en of the week! .. Thanks for the pep talk, was def needed! U girls are a great supportxx
kezzalicious30 said:Haha I'll keep a check on u then! been doin it that long I think I know them in n out! Thanks chug xx