Hi Nicola, How are you feeling today? Hopefully your on the mend

I'm getting nervous for weigh in tomorrow, soo good to know you and Dinx are on the same day

Thanks for the advice on tonight too, am going to think ahead and how proud I'll be by being good and sticking to my plan.
I just checked the Walkers Baked and your right!! I use an App on my I Phone for pointing but it must be out

Right, I'm changing the Baked Crisps today to 1 packet Ryvita Minis and 1 packet WW hot chilli tortillas, then I'm staying on track (always have a big supply of crisps and luckily havent had any yet today) Thanks for pointing that out hunnie, really appreciated cause trying so hard to stay within points
PS. Does anyone know of an App for WW Discovery?? Might just have to go on Ebay and buy a calculator