Wow. Day 11! Well done! Stay strong. Glad the nausea has passed for you.
As for the 'run' we all have to start somewhere. I first started 'running' by driving to the park, and just running around it (stopped and started). As I built more stamina I decided I would jog to the park, jog around it and then back home. After doing that for a while I then went to the park (it's a big one) through it, out the other end (which is in another town) and back home the 'long way around'. I worked it out to be somewhere between 4-5 miles..... And I wouldn't even run for a bus before!..... Just get some good tracks on your iPod and off you go! Sadly I am now injured as a result, I shouldn't have been running in the first place due to having my cartilage removed from my knee a few years ago. So back to swimming I go!
And wow! You've lost 8lbs in 11 days??!!!!! Excellent! I've an idea what my weight loss will be this evening, as I have been weighing myself, but will report what my weigh in says later.
Have a great day 12!!!! X