Thanks girls he's gonna be a little heartbreaker when he's older

It was hubby's idea to spike his hair and now it goes like that naturally after he has a bath

Hubby likes having a mini me!!
Oliver had a rather unsettled night- last feed at 11, but he really wouldn't settle (thinking it was the heat, it was so muggy last night

) and it took hubby until 2am when he gave him more milk and then he finally fell asleep at 3.
Awake at 5 for more milk, asleep by 6 and awake again at 8 for more milk!
Currently sound asleep but guessing he'll be awake soon as he usually goes 3-4 hours between feeds.
I think he was having a growth spurt last night as he has never had 3 bottles in 6 hours overnight before!
And he took 5oz each time!
We have still been offering him 6oz but he always stops at 5 and refuses the rest, even after burping and bum change.
So as you can imagine, we both got very little sleep last night!!
Today's plan: cut the grass, hoover downstairs and sort little man's wardrobe.
We have got friends coming round at 2:30 to see Oliver then we are off to my in-laws for a BBQ

MIL is very happy as she got to see Oliver yesterday as well!!
Tomorrow is my mum's birthday and as she's not working, she's coming over here to see us for the day

Her and dad have been on hols for 2 weeks so she's dying to see her grandson, plus I really need the company and who better than my mum?

Our little Jack Russell, Rosie, is due to go to the vets in the morning to be spayed but she's got a upset tummy so bit sure if they'll still do the op.
Enjoyed my day off yesterday and looking forward to going out next Saturday evening with hubby, whilst my parents look after Oliver.
I do love being a mummy- hardest but best job in the world
