Little man was a little sod yesterday, he wouldn't nap! He'd had a bad night sleeping on Sunday so he really needed it... so tired yet he fought his naps all day... He did have about 20 mins in the afternoon.... Anyway, thankfully, hubby put him to bed at 7:45 last night and he slept for 12 hours without making a sound!!!! He normally stirs once or twice for his dummy and at around 5 he normally wants his nappy changed but nope nothing! He must have been tired! I went to bed at 9 last night as I was so tired too so I had a good 10 hours kip too
Even hubby overslept this morning! We're so used to Oliver being awake at 5/6 that hubby is normally awake before his alarm!! Oliver is 21 weeks old today and is trying to sit up- on the changing table earlier he lifted his head up and was trying to sit up! So that won't be far away- he rolls quite far so with sitting up as well, he's going to keep me busy that's for sure!! Latest photos: